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Henry Herkelmann(1844-1925)


Posted By: Anne Hermann (email)
Date: 5/10/2008 at 06:36:41

Jackson Sentinel
August 25, 1925


Henry Herkelmann was born at Braekefeldt, Germany, February 25, 1844, and died at his home in Elwood Sunday afternoon, August 16, 1925, aged 81 years, 5 months and 22 days.

On February 16, 1867, he was united in marriage to Wilhelmiena Koch, also of Braekefeldt, Germany. They remained in Germany until 1881 when they removed to America, coming at once to the Elwood community, where Mr. Herkelmann retained his home until his death. For a time, they farmed a farm west of Elwood, but for the most of Mr. Herkelmann’s life he was a resident of the town of Elwood. For many years he was an employee of the Milwaukee railroad.

His life companion passed away at the home in Elwood December 24, 1919. Since the death of his wife, Mr. Herkelmann has spent some time with his children, but has always returned to his old home at Elwood, where he was a familiar figure on the street, walking about the town and visiting with his old friends. He seemed to have remarkable physical strength for one of his age, and even up to the day of his death showed some signs of the vigor of a strong man. Though he himself seemed prepared for his sudden taking, having assured his son the night before that he would not be here this coming week, nevertheless he seemed to be in fairly good health and his sudden going was a great shock to his friends and relatives. He had often expressed the wish that his going might be suddenly. He did not seem to suffer but passed on as one who falls asleep.

To Mr. and Mrs. Herkelmann were born four children, three while yet in Germany and one in Elwood. They are Ernest, Mrs. Ida House of Portland, Ore., Mrs. Anna Schoeller Mann of Davenport and Carl of Welton. There are also of the immediate relatives eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Mr. Herkelmann was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran church in Germany. Though handicapped by his lack of thorough familiarity with the English language and in later years by deafness, Mr. Herkelmann made many friends among the old residents of Elwood, with whom he loved to be. In his closing days he reaffirmed his faith in the forgiveness and saving power of Christ and prayed for the forgiveness and help of God. He seemed to enjoy the singing of the old hymn, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.”

The service was held from the home then at the Elwood church on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock in charge of Rev. Otis Moore. Interment was in Elwood cemetery beside his wife.


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