Alf. Hurst
Posted By: Anne Hermann (email)
Date: 5/15/2008 at 23:53:16
Maquoketa Excelsior
October 17, 1891Hurst & Whisky
Shortly after the state Democratic convention was held, prominent life-long Democrats of Monmouth township received through the mails scurrilous letters, of which the following is the mildest, cleanest sample concerning which we have knowledge:
Hurah for whiskey! You run over the country and then get hell beat out of you by the whisky of some was Republicans. Hurah for Whisky Hurah for Hurst you s—of a b-----. If you don’t keep cool you won’t get any more nips and go dry by geesus. WHISKEY & HURST.
We were much averse to giving room to such matter, but finally concluded to do so because it shows which element of Jackson county Democracy Alf Hurst catered to when seeking the nomination for State Senator and also how this element, to which Alf is now indebted, regards the other and better elements of the party. One of the letters is as much worse than this as this is worse than the politest letter imaginable.
We are unable to say which of the partners wrote this letter, but our readers all know that either partner is responsible for the acts of the other. Do our readers want Alf Hurst for senator?
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