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Glass, Joseph J. 1840 - 1902


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 5/22/2024 at 16:07:24

Source: Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer Aug. 22, 1902, FP, C5

Joseph J. Glass pasted{sic} away last Wednesday morning after a long and painful illness from cancer of the bowels. Mr. Glass was one of our best and most respected citizens and will be missed in the community. The funeral will occur to-day, In our next Issue we will publish an obituary of the deceased.

Source: Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer Aug. 26, 1902, LP, C3

Joseph Glass.
Who was born in Indiana county, Pennsylvania, June 28, 1840, passed away August 20, 1902 in Cresco, Iowa, aged 62 years, 1 month and 22 days.
He was twice married his first wife, Mary J. Dee, to who he was married April 28, 1867, died several years ago, and February 3, 1880 he was married to Margaret Casey, who survives him.
Seven children, two by his first wife and five by the second, remain to mourn his death.
Mr. Glass came to Howard county in 1864, and during his life time, until the past two years, had been actively engaged in farm labor. Six or eight months ago his health begain{sic} to fail and soon a cancerous condition of the body developed and from that his decline was rapid, his suffering was severe, and his death came a relief from his suffering. His cancerous trouble being internal his death from that cause was only a question of time. Beside his widow and children, four brothers and three sisters are called upon to mourn his death.
The deceased was one of our most conscientious and upright citizens, a kind parent, devoted to the welfare of his family and to the good of mankind. His children were all with him during his last days, one son coming from Colorado to minister to the comfort of his father.
The funeral was from the Catholic church in Cresco, Friday, August 22, and laid to rest in St. Josephs cemetery, Rev. Father McCarty officiating and delivering a fine address, recalling the christian character and noble manhood of the deceased, after which a large concourse followed the remains to their final resting place.
For the many acts of kindness and words of comfort and hope, from the many friends and neighbors who during the long and painful illness of husband and father admistered{sic} words of comfort to him. We tender our deepest gratitude.
MRS. JOHN J. GLASS and Children.

Source: Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer Sept. 2, 1902, LP, C6

Transcriber’s Note: The above obituary was reprinted with the correction as follows: Seven children, four by his first wife and three by the second, remain to mourn his death.

Calvary Cresco Cemetery

Howard Obituaries maintained by Constance McDaniel Hall.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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