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Wessel, John 1869 – 1898


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 5/22/2024 at 16:07:22

Iowa Plain Dealer September 20, 1898, FP, C5

John Wessel was born in Madison, Wis., January 6th, 1869. Soon after his birth his parents moved to Howard county, Iowa, and here the child was baptized by Rev. Jungk. He attended the public school with good success and was confirmed by Rev. E. Heimann in 1883. After his confirmation he always remained at home helping his parents in the management of their farm. In the year 1890 he lost his sister, Minna Isbell, by death, and five years later his brother Charles. Eleven weeks ago he laid himself down upon his sick-bed, and as time passed and he got no better he realized the serious condition in which he was, but he bore his sickness bravely and never complained of it. Tuesday, September 13th, he partook of the Lord’s Supper and then patiently awaited the end. His death occurred Friday morning at two o’clock. The funeral took place Sunday, Sept, 18, at 10 a. m., and was conducted by Rev. C. Niedermeier. The remains were interred in the New Oregon cemetery. All who knew John Wessel In his life said of him that he was a good neighbor, a Christian and an honest man.

New Oregon Cemetery

Howard Obituaries maintained by Constance McDaniel Hall.
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