Dushek – Korbel Marriage 1917
Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 4/29/2024 at 10:20:48
Source: Cresco Plain Dealer Feb. 16, 1917, P5 C2
Marriage licenses were issued the past week to Frank Gillon of Dubuque and Mae Keefe of Elma; Frank Dushek of Elma and Annie Korbel of Cresco.
Source: Cresco Plain Dealer Mar 2, 1917, FP C1
A Pretty Wedding.
The prettiest wedding that ever took place in the St. Joseph’s Church was that of Miss Anna Helen Korbell to Mr. Frank Charles Dushek of Elma. Miss Matilda Kroll, cousin of the bride, was the bridesmaid and Joe Truka, cousin of the groom, acted as best man. Emma Doubek, of Ft. Atkinson carried a beautiful bouquet of pink and white carnations and peas bound with a band of white ribbon. Anthony Slifka was a ring bearer and carried a large white Easter lily. The bride was most beautifully attired in a white satin de luxe with silver trimming draped over with silk chiffon. The bridesmaid was gowned in apple green silk crepe de chene and the flower girl also was dressed in crepe de chene silk. After the ceremony, they returned to the home of the bride when a four course dinner awaited them. About fifty relatives and friends were present. The dining room was decorated all in white and green foliage. The day was spent in talking, music and singing. In the evening all the young folks left for Schley where they all enjoyed themselves dancing till a late hour. The couple received the most beautiful presents as well as useful to which the givers will always be remembered. We all wish this young couple a happy and long married life. The groom is to be congratulated in selecting such a good helpmate.
A Friend.Transcriber’s Note: The bride’s maiden name is spelled two different ways.
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