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Omer Omundson (1889-1923)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 6/22/2024 at 17:32:18

From Story City Herald May 17, 1923 (page 1)


Omer Omundson, Employee of the World Bros. Circus Crushed Beneath Wheels

Omer Omundson of Jewell, employed as night stockman in charge of the loading of the World Bros. circus, which exhibited in Webster City Saturday, met instant death when he fell between two cars of the train about two miles south of Eagle Grove Saturday night.

The body was not found until 6 o'clock Sunday morning, when it was picked up by a southbound freight and taken back to Eagle Grove. Omundson's parents were notified and went to Eagle Grove Sunday, taking the body back to Jewell for burial.

Omundson was a young man about 25 years of age and a member of Jewell post of the American Legion. It was only by his Legion card that Eagle Grove authorities were able to make identification.

The circus management did not miss him until the show reached Rolfe. It is supposed that Omundson was walking on top of the cars. He must have missed his footing and fallen between two cars. His head was badly crushed and one foot mashed. The body was also otherwise mangled.

Engineer Dixon of Eagle Grove who was coming south with a freight train Sunday morning, noticed the body, stopped his train and took it back to Eagle Grove. In the circus, Omundson went by the name of "Slats Davis."

Although he had worked with other circuses, Omundson had been with World Bros. but a short time before the show came to Webster City.

Omundson was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Omund Omundson of Jewell, both of whom survive him. During the world war Omundson served with the Rainbow division and was overseas for many months. He was quite well known, having been with the Hamilton county contingent.

In addition to his parents Omundson is survived by two brothers, Oscar and Ole, and four married sisters.


Hamilton Obituaries maintained by Lynn McCleary.
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