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Orrin A. Cole (1838-19110


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 5/13/2024 at 23:50:41

From Story City Herald October 26, 1911 (page 1)



The sudden death of O. A. Cole of Boone occurred at Mercy Hospital, Webster City, Oct. 20, 1911, at 1:45 p. m. Mr. Cole was visiting at the home of his son A. B. Cole 1 1/2 miles southwest of Webster City when, on Saturday, Oct. 14, in some manner he slightly smashed his thumb on his right hand. Not thinking it serious, neither did it give him much pain until Sunday.

After noon when the lower and fleshy part of thumb and wrist began to pain him considerably. During the night the pain was almost intolerable. Going to the doctor and having in treated and dressed the doctor saying he thought it would give no further trouble but in case it did to come again. It seemed easier during the day but later it hurt him more and more. Going back on Tuesday was advised to go to the hospital, where nurses and doctors could give him the best care and attention that could be had, as it was a bad case of blood poison. It rapidly extended up his arm and through his system and his suffering and pain was beyond expression in words.

The best of care and attention that could be administered to the needs and wants of a suffering patient by loving hands, attentive physicians and nurses, and sympathetic relatives and friends was administrated until Friday P. M. at 1:45 he passed quietly and peacefully away.

His wife and all his children that could be were at his bedside during his last sickness. Although unable to speak the last 24 hours he seemed to know the faces of all present and nodded his head when asked if he knew each of the children present. While it was sad to part so suddenly, was a relief to see him released from his suffering.

O. A. Cole was born at Meadville, Crawford Co., Pa., Sept. 3, 1838.

He spent six years of his young life in the academy and Alleghany college. Was married to Anna Smiley of Meadville in 1860. To this union twin boys were born Aug. 29th, 1861, namely E. E. Cole, now of Washington, D. C., and W. S. Cole of Sargents, Colo., who were left motherless at seven days of age. The young father, with the aid of his parents and sisters, cared for and raised them to manhood.

In March, 1867, he married the widow of Geo. Smiley, Mary A. Smiley of Ontario, she having two daughters, Ida A. Baldus, wife of L. C. Baldus and who departed this life some thirteen years ago, and Sadie M., wife of A. A. Furman, now of Webster City.

To the last marriage were born seven children: Mrs. L. C. Baldus of Story City, A. B. Cole of Webster City, Mrs. Carl Switzer of Story City, Charles Cole of Canby, Minn., Lennie H. dying in infancy, Fred Cole of Duncomb and Miss Alta Cole of Boone.

He was a kind father and loving husband, always thinking of his family first and at all times. He was quite widely known over Story, Boone and Hamilton counties as he has been a pioneer settler and lived on the farm 3 1/2 miles south of Story Cit some 29 years, coming to Iowa from Pennsylvania in 1874.

Nine years ago this fall he retired from the farm, moving to Boone, where he has since resided. He ever enjoyed coming to Story City and calling upon his old neighbors and friends and did so very often. He belonged to the I.O.O.F., never removing his membership from the Gilbert Lodge, where he was a charter member. He also was a member of the Christian church, from where the funeral was held in Webster City Oct. 23. he was laid to rest in the Graceland cemetery.

The respect and esteem in which he was held was evidenced by so many friends from a distance paying the last tribute at his funeral.

The beautiful flowers given by the I.O.O.F., W.B.M., relatives and friends were many and highly appreciated by the surviving wife and children.

All of his children were present at the funeral except one son, E. E. Cole of Washington, D.C.


Hamilton Obituaries maintained by Lynn McCleary.
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