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WELLS, Freemont S. 1857-1896


Posted By: Tammy (email)
Date: 10/22/2010 at 16:43:34

F. S. Wells died at his home in Grundy Center Tuesday night about ten o'clock. His trouble, which was of long standing, has brought him near death's door several times before, but he rallied under medical treatment. He was taken sick last week, and the fore part of this week the attending physicians reached the conclusion that a surgical operation was the only thing that could be done to save his life, and on Tuesday afternoon they commenced their work and found the kidneys in such shape that it was only possible for him to live a few hours at best.

--Grundy County Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 6 August 1896

F. S. Wells at Rest.

The death of Freemont Wells occurred Tuesday night of last week at his home in the south part of town. A little more than a year ago Mr. Wells was afflicted with kidney trouble and for a time his life was despaired of, but Providence mercifully spared him to his family and loved ones for another twelve months. Recently he began to complain of his old trouble again which returned upon him with multiplied force and after a week of intense suffering his physicians decided to remove his left kidney as a last resort to save his life. Accordingly, at three o'clock Tuesday afternoon the operation was performed by Drs. Finlayson, Wick, Heffelfinger and Crouse. The patient did not survive the shock and at ten o'clock that night his spirit took its flight and his earthly sufferings were over. He had the sympathy of the entire community in his affliction and the best medical skill that could be obtained was secured to relive him, but the disease was firmly fixed upon him before he was aware of the nature of his trouble, and a year ago he was told that it was only a question of a few years at most when he would have to lay down his life. Although cheerful and courageous, he recognized the fact that his days were numbered and his house was kept in order ready for the summons that have come all too soon for his friends and loved one.

Deceased was born in Fairfield township, Grundy county, January 18, 1857. He married Miss Grace Alice Caryell and to them have been born five children. They have resided in Grundy Center about twelve years. Mr. Wells united with the M. E. church of this city six years ago when Rev. Shoemaker was installed as pastor here, and he lived a faithful member of that church up to the date of his death.

The funeral was conducted from the church Friday afternoon, and although the day was oppressively warm the house was full of sympathizing friends, which marked the esteem in which the deceased was held in the community. The services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. B. D. Smith, assisted by Rev. George B. Shoemaker, who was summoned from Toledo to be present and aid in the last sad rites. Rev. Smith appropriately preached from the text, "Put thine house in order, " and a thoughtful and earnest discourse was presented. He was followed by Rev. Shoemaker, who touched upon personal recollections of his acquaintance with deceased from his early manhood until the time he severed his connection with the church at Grundy Center. He said he had no doubt as to the sincerity of deceased's religious convictions and believed that he had gone to meet the just reward of the faithful in Christ. Mr. Well's favorite songs, "Jesus Lover of My Soul," and "Am I a Soldier of the Cross," were sung and when the remains were being conducted from the church the organ pealed forth in soft strains the sweet melody of "Sometime We'll Understand." The floral offerings were beautiful and of a great quantity. A large concourse of friends followed the remains to their last resting place, and the sympathy of the community followed the family from the cemetery to their empty and lonely home.

Though all that is earthly of the loving husband and kind father is laid away to await the resurrection of the dead, they can rejoice in the hope of again meeting him in the home where partings cannot come and where all tears are wiped away. As a friend and neighbor and as an enterprising and industrious business man, deceased was recognized as one of the best in the community and he will be missed by a large circle of friends. He leaves besides a wife and five children, an aged father, two sisters, a brother and other relatives to mourn his early demise. We extend our sympathy and commend them all to the goodness of a just all wise and merciful Father who has promised to comfort the widow and orphans in their afflictions and soothe the broken and sorrowful hearts of all who mourn.

We desire to make public our sincere thanks for and appreciation of the many kindnesses extended to our dearly beloved husband and father during his fatal illness, and in connection with his obsequies, as well as since that saddest day in all our lives. They were bestowed by our neighbors and friends, who thus gave renewed proof of their regard for the dear one, and were as liberal as they were unrestrained. None can be the recipients of more heartfelt sympathies than ourselves; none can appreciate and cherish them more.
Mrs. Grace O. Wells and Family

--Grundy County Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 13 August 1896


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