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Jones, George W. 1804 -1896


Posted By: IAGenWeb Volunteer
Date: 12/14/2006 at 20:50:12

Newton (IA) Journal
Wednesday, July 29, 1896

George W. Jones, Iowa’s first Senator, died at Dubuque, July 22, 1896. He had a most remarkable career, --he knew every president of the United State since Monroe, was a business partner of Daniel Webster, and the colleague of such men as Thomas H. Benton, Charles Sumner, Stephen A. Douglas, Wilham H. Seward and James Buchanan, and the intimate friend of John E. Calhoun, Martin Van Buren, Henry Clay, John C. Fremont and Franklin Pierce.

He was born April 12, 1804, and died in his 93d year. Up to a few weeks ago, he enjoyed fairly good health, and his mind was remarkably active for one of his age.


Dubuque Obituaries maintained by Brenda White.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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