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Posted By: Nancee Seifert (email)
Date: 2/25/2010 at 11:17:34

Decatur County Journal
Leon, Iowa
Thursday, March 5, 1914

URIAH GARRIS was born in Wilkes County, North Carolina, November 27th, 1824,
and departed this life at his home in Weldon, Iowa, February 22, 1914, at
the age of 89 years, 3 months and 25 days. At the age of eight years he
came with the family to Rush County, Indiana. On the 20th day of March,
1851, he was married to Miss SARAH DENNY, of Hancock County, Indiana, and in
1854, they came to Iowa, living in Marion County a few months, then moving
to Last Chance, where they lived for one summer near the cemetery.

In 1865 Mr. GARRIS purchased a farm on the White Breast Creek where he with
his family made their home for 33 years. On account of his advanced age,
Father GARRIS sold the home farm in 1899 moved to Woodburn, where he resided
for four years. Eleven years ago he purchased a home in Weldon and moved
here where his last years were spent in comfort and ease, surrounded by his
old friends, happy in the unfailing love of his family.

Father GARRIS was the father of thirteen children, four of whom died in
infancy. Beside the widow the following children survive the father:
SOLOMON T., of Seneca, Neb.; WILLIAM L., of Woodburn; SAMUEL D., of Catesby,
Okla.; FRANK T., of Bonners Ferry, Ida.; Mrs. LIZZIE G. HICKMAN, of Mullen,
Neb.; Mrs. NANNIE G. HICKMAN, JAY H., and the Misses ELLA and ROSE M., of
Weldon. He also leaves twenty-six grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren
All of the children were present at the funeral except SAMUEL D. and

In 1852 Brother GARRIS became a Christian, was a charter member of the
Church of Christ at Last Chance, also a charter member of the church at
Woodburn, and at the time of his death was a member of the church at Weldon.

Throughout his long life he was a great student of the Bible and a defender
of its principles. Few men of his generation and opportunities were so well
read and as much interested in the affairs of the day as was Mr. GARRIS.
And he was one of the most interesting and instructive conversationalists
that I ever met. His wit and wisdom were worthy of any man's steel. In his
early life in addition to his other duties he taught school for several

I have had a very intimate acquaintance with Father GARRIS for twenty-five
years, and have known him in his home and in his public life, as but few men
did. His home was always well ordered, and he always carried in his heart
the confidence and respect of his household. In public life he was quiet
and unobtrusive, but his wisdom was sought and respected in all questions in
which he was interested.

Thus is removed from our midst one of the oldest citizens of southern Iowa,
a man honored and respected by those who knew him. His good wife, after
having walked by his side for 63 years, is left alone to watch the household
a little while before she, too, will join with him the unnumbered company.
His children have lost a wise and loving father and this world has lost a
friend of every good cause.

Funeral services were held at the Christian Church in Weldon on Thursday
morning at ten o'clock conducted by the writer, assisted by Brother Carney,
Pastor of the church. The body was then taken to the church at Last Chance
where a brief service was held as a large number of old friends had gathered
there. Interment was then made in the Last Chance Cemetery.

"Two hands upon the breast,

And labor's done.
Two pale feet crossed in rest,

The race is run;
Rest for the toiling hands,

Rest for the weary way-worn feet,
Rest from all labor now.

Servant of God well done,
Thy glorious warfare's past;

The battle's fought, the race is run.
And thou art crowned at last,

Let faith exalt her joyful voice
And now in triumph sing,
O, grave where is thy victory,
And where, O death thy sting?"

-- B.S. DENNY.
Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
February 23, 2010


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