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Hagensick, Freda Anna (Diers) 1880 - 1943


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 12/13/2023 at 14:23:47

Clayton County Register, 01 July 1943.

Mrs. Freda Hagensick, 63, died suddenly of a heart attack at her home Monday evening. The body is at the Witt Funeral home from where the funeral will be held Friday afternoon, July 02, at 1:30 o'clock. E. G. Wylan of Chicago will be speaker. Burial will be in the Clayton Center cemetery.

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Clayton County Register, 08 July 1943.

Funeral services for Mrs. Freda Hagensick, who died Suddenly of a heart attack at her home in Elkader, June 28, were held Friday afternoon.

Mrs. Hagensick, the former Freda Anna Diers, was born on a farm in Read township, June 20, 1880. She was a daughter of F. W. and Margaret Diers, both of whom died many years ago. March 27, 1901, she was married to J. L. Hagensick, who died June 30, 1941. Mr. and Mrs. Hagensick retired from farming in February, 1936 and moved to Elkader.

Surviving are three sons, Amos F. and Milton H. of Elkader and Lloyd A. of Downey, Idaho; one grandson, Carl Hagensick of Elkader; one brother, Henry H. Diers of St. Olaf and two sisters, Mrs. Carrie M. Miller and Miss Alma Diers both of Elkader.

A daughter Ada, Mrs. A. S. Wickersheim died in March, 1934.

E. G. Wylam, a Bible student of Chicago, officiated at the funeral services which were held at the Witt funeral chapel. Burial was in the Clayton Center Cemetery.

Pallbearers were Willis F. Diers, Vernon W. Diers, Arno Koss, E. W. Carlsen, LeRoy Schroeder and Harold Gray. Flower bearers were Mrs. Ralph Hoover, Mrs. Art Buckman and Mrs. Ray Glesne.

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