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Possehl, Minnie (Stallbaum) died 1912


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 3/22/2023 at 14:03:38

Elkader Register, Thur., 25 July 1912.

Tuesday, at 1:30 p.m., at her home near Osborne, occurred the death of Mrs. Henry Possehl, after an illness of about two weeks. Monday an operation was performed by Dr. Guthrie, of Dubuque, assisted by Dr. Miller, in the hope of saving her life, but it was of no avail. She was only about thirty-one years of age and her untimely death falls with crushing force on her young husband and little son a little more than two years old. The funeral services were held this afternoon from the home and from the German church at this place, Rev. Franke officiating. A large number of friends and neighbors were in attendance, thus showing the high regard in which the deceased was held and their deep sympathy with the bereaved family.

--- --- ---

Elkader Register, Thur., 25 July 1912. Osborne column.

In this column we learn the following:

She leaves to mourn her early departure the sorrowing husband and one son aged two and a half, two brothers, John and Lewis Stallbaum, and one sister, Mrs. H. D. Cords. The funeral was held at Elkader this (Thursday) afternoon.

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