Lenth, Joachim John 1829 - 1912
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 3/22/2023 at 11:38:50
Elkader Register, Thur., 11 July 1912.
Joachim Lenth, a well known and respected citizen of Monona, died at his home in that city on Friday, July 5th, aged 82 years. Funeral services were held at Monona on Monday. Mr. Lenth and his wife were quite well known in Elkader, having visited a number of times here with their son George and family and with their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Grube and family.
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Elkader Register, Thur., 18 July 1912. From the Monona Leader, undated.
Another of the aged residents of this community has ended this earthly journey in the passing away of Joachim John Lenth.
The deceased was born in Mecklenburg Schuern, Germany, Dec. 17, 1829. He came to America in April, 1859, and lived around Garnavillo until the year 1865, when he married Ursula Zurcher and settled down on a farm at Read, Iowa. In the spring of 1878 they moved to the farm where he departed this life, on Friday evening, July 05th, 1912, at the age of 82 years, 6 months and 18 days.
Eight children came to bless this union, of whom one son, Charles, preceded the father in death in the year 1900. Those surviving him besides his loving wife are Mrs. Wm. E. Grube, Weta, S.D.; Mrs. Quint Rupp, Monona, Iowa; William C., Evanston, Ill.; Henry E., Riceville, Iowa; George J., Elkader, Iowa; Louis C., Homewood, Manitoba, Canada, and Mrs. Chas. Haberichter, Monona, all of whom were present at the funeral. Besides the children, there are fifteen grandchildren, and one brother, Carl, of Farmersburg, and many other relatives and friends who deeply mourn the loss of a kind hearted neighbor and friend.
Deceased was a man of excellent health until about three weeks ago when he was taken ill with pneumonia, which caused his death. All that medical aid and loving hands could do was of no avail, as our Heavenly Father saw fit to call him home.
The funeral services were held on Monday afternoon at the Methodist Church by Rev. J. B. Bird and Rev. Otto Wappler. Many former neighbors from Garnavillo, National and Farmersburg, with his numerous friends at Monona, were present at the funeral services to pay their tribute of respect to the memory of their friend. - Monona Leader.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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