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Vogt, Bertha (Pahlas) died 1886


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 12/18/2022 at 12:19:46

Elkader Register, Thur., 02 Dec. 1886.

At her home in Farmersburg township, on Wednesday of last week, occurred the death of Bertha, wife of John Vogt.

Deceased was a daughter of Mr. Pahlas, of that township, and was born within a few miles of the place where her death occurred, and was but 23 years, five months and nine days of age. In March, 1881, she was married to John Vogt, and to them was born one child, a son, who with her husband, is left to mourn her loss. She also leaves an aged father and mother, two brothers and two sisters to mourn her departure from among them.

The funeral occurred on Saturday last, and her remains were followed to their resting in the Read cemetery by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives.

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