Crosby, Edward 'Teddie' 1871-1886
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 12/12/2022 at 09:13:13
Elkader Register, Thur., 10 June 1886. Garnavillo column.
The sudden death of Teddie, youngest son of Hon. J. O. Crosby, has spread gloom over all of his many friends. Teddie [sic] will long be remembered as one of brightest and best of our boys. His mind, had by the fostering care of his parents, been developed to that high degree of excellence, that all placed great hopes in his future. To his parents he was the star of hope which guided them through life. He was their one great care, and with pride they saw him develop into manhood, giving every promise of becoming one of the noblest of men. Surely the fondest hopes would have been realized had not death so suddenly, so ruthlessly, deprived them of life's greatest charm. His remains were conveyed to their last resting place, on Friday, followed by a large number of our citizens and friends from neighboring places. Many floral tributes from friends were placed on his coffin. The bereaved parents have our heartfelt sympathy. He left his home on Wednesday with the intention of spending the afternoon in fishing in Buck Creek. He was last seen passing Kennedy's mill at 12 o'clock, noon. He proceeded to a place about 20 rods from the mill, to a pond the banks of which are quite steep. The water at this place is from six to eight feet deep. From marks left on the bank, it is evident that he attempted to sit down, and get ready for his sport. While doing so he lost his balance, and fell forward into the water. Being unable to swim, and encumbered by clothing he soon perished. Workmen that were engaged in repairing the road, when returning to their labors at one o'clock p.m., found a hat and a tin pail floating near by. Upon close examination, they recognized them as belonging to the deceased. They summoned assistance, and soon found the body lying in about 8 feet of water. Dr. Duffin was called, but found the body past all resuscitation, it having been in the water fully two hours. Coroner Cain, who was promptly notified appeared, and summoned a jury, which returned a verdict in accordance with above elicited facts.
--Teddie is probably a typo by the newspaper, and should have been Eddie; or possibly he was affectionately called Teddie by his family--Clayton Co. Record of Death, Book 1, Pg 52:
Edward Crosby, age 15, Accidental drowning Buck Creek, 6/2/1886--Edward Crosby 1871-1886 has a gravestone in the Old Garnavillo cemetery
--1885 IA State Census, Edward Crosby, age 13 is enumerated in the James O. & Caroline Crosby household.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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