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Tangemann, Louise (Kregel) 1862 - 1886


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 12/5/2022 at 14:49:31

Elkader Register, Thur., 04 Feb. 1886. Garnavillo column.

DIED - On Sunday, Jan. 31st, at 11 o'clock p.m., after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Louise Tangeman, wife of August Tangeman. Again it hath pleased the Infinite God in his inscrutable wisdom, to lay the cold hand of death upon one of our brightest flowers, and pluck it ere it had fully blossomed. Again the grim tyrant has destroyed a life which was so full of hope, and which gave every promise of being a long and happy one. We mourn for the pupil whose lamp of reason we lighted. We mourn for the daughter who was the joy of her fond parents. We mourn for the young wife who was the idol of her husband. We mourn for the mother, whose hope that she might see her child grow up, that she might direct her steps with a mother's care and love, has been so ruthlessly blighted. Yet while in the excess of grief we exclaim; "Why this one, above ten thousand others, to whom death would be a boon.?" we must bow to the inevitable, and with true Christian fortitude exclaim "Thy will be done." Louise Tangeman, eldest daughter of Dietrich Kregel, was born in Garnavillo on July 24th, 1862, and was therefore scarcely 24 years of age at the date of her death. She early showed traits of character, which particularly endeared her to all who surrounded her. Gentle and amiable in disposition she was loved by all. Surrounded by all the advantages of wealth and comforts that indulgent parents supplied, her heart remained pure and simple, and she took her greatest pleasure in relieving the wants of suffering mankind. About a year ago she was married to Mr. August Tangeman, and together they looked forward to many years of bliss, and when a few weeks since, a little girl arrived, their joy was unbounded, and bright indeed seemed her future. Vain hope! She was marked for the grave. Although attended by the best medical skill, and nursed by a loving husband and fond parents, she steadily declined until death relieved her. Her body was conveyed to the last resting place on Wednesday, escorted by a vast concourse of sorrowing friends. The Rev. F. Sommerlad pronounced a fitting eulogy over her remains. May she rest in peace.


Note: Gravestone in Garnavillo Community cemetery = TANGEMANN


Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen


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