Conley, Peter W. (Hon).1866 - 1931
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 10/22/2022 at 14:49:16
Clayton County Register, Thur., 15 Jan. 1931. Garber column.
It is with deep sorrow we report the death of Mr. Peter W. Conley. Mr. Conley had been in poor health for several months and died at his home Friday evening, Jan. 9th. Mr. Conley was loved and respected by all who knew him. To do acts of kindness for his family and neighbors was his greatest pleasure in life at all times. Mr. Conley was a faithful member of the Catholic church all his life. Funeral services were held Monday, Jan. 12, from the Catholic church in Garber. Burial was in St. Michael's cemetery. The bereaved family may be assured of the most heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.
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Clayton County Register, Thur., 15 Jan. 1931.
Peter W. Conley died at his home in Volga township, Thursday, Jan. 08th, from hardening of the arteries after an illness of several months.
He was born on April 18th, 1866, in Volga township, the son of Michael Conley and Julia Needham. On February 27, 1900, he was united in marriage to Miss Esther Downey at Garnavillo. To this union six children were born, Harold, Raymond, Mary, John, Lucille and Daniel, all of whom are still at home.
Mr. Conley was at one time very prominent in the Democratic politics of the county, having served as representatives from this county in the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth General Assemblies, which were held in 1898 and 1900.
He was a member of the Catholic church of Garber, where the funeral was conducted by the Rev. Wm. Goetzinger on Monday, January 12. Interment was made in the Garber cemetery. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus lodge of Elkader and about forty members of the order attended the funeral in a body.
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Clayton County Register, Thur., 29 Jan. 1931.
ELKPORT- Hon. P. W. Conley died on Jan. 08, at his home a few miles from Elkport after an illness extending over a period of two years. He received the last rites of the Catholic church of which he was a consistent member. At his bedside were devoted children. Mr. Conley was born on a farm near Elkport, April 18, 1866. He attended the district school and also schools at Edgewood and Dubuque. He taught school for several years. He held several township offices and in 1898 was elected to the State Legislature. In 1900 he was re-elected, serving two terms as representative from Clayton County. In 1900 he was united in marriage at the Garnavillo Catholic church to Miss Esther Downey. They are the parents of six children, all of whom survive. They are: Harold, Raymond, John, Daniel, Mary E. and Lucille A. All were present when the end came. All are home except Mary who teaches school at Dyersville. John is teaching near home.
He was a member of Elkader Council 2209 Knights of Columbus. Members of the Council attended the funeral in a body acting as honorary escort.
The funeral was held from St. Michael's Church at Garber. The capacity of the church was taxed with sorrowing relatives and friends. A vivid testimonial of the worth of the family. Rev. Wm. Goetzinger celebrated the Mass of Requiem and he preached the sermon, also officiating at the grave in St. Michael's cemetery. Besides the above mentioned children one brother and one sister survive, Mr. Patrick Conley and Mrs. Patrick Phelan both of Elkport. The pallbearers were: Albert Matt, John Schacherer, T. T. Phelan, E. L. Curran, Frank Liddy and M. J. Garaghty. Relatives from a distance were: Mrs. Earl Bell, Carthage, Ill.; M. B. Needham, of Spencer, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. John A. Logan of Waterloo, Iowa; Peter T. Conley of Plain, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. John Conley of Colesburg; Joseph, Henry and Lloyd Funk and wives of Edgewood, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelleher of Elkader.
Friends from a distance were: Wm. Doran and J. A. Welch of Oelwein, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Clem. Hoeger and daughter Nellie and Mrs. Alfred Kister of Dyersville and R. J. Bixby of Edgewood.
The family have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. May his soul rest in peace.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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