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Halverson, Aslaug Nelson (Severson) 1846 - 1931


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 10/22/2022 at 10:21:00

Clayton County Register, Thur., 15 Jan. 1931. St. Olaf column.

Word was received here Monday that Mrs. Severt Halverson of Canton, Minn., had passed away. Mrs. Halverson is known here as Mrs. Ben Nelson and is an old time resident here. The remains will be brought here Wednesday for burial at the Norway church.

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Clayton County Register, Thur., 22 Jan. 1931.

Miss Aslaug Severson was born in Nummdahl, Norway, on the 14th day of September, 1846. Her parents were Knute and Joran Severson. She came to America in June, 1881. Two years later ahe was married to Berger Nelson of St. Olaf. One child was born to them but it died in infancy. Her husband died in April, 1901. Oct. 1919 she married again to Severt Halverson, of Canton, Minn., where they lived and where her husband died in December, 1924. Her last years have been spent at Canton. A few days after New Years she fell and broke her thigh bone and after a few days of suffering she passed away Monday morning, Jan. 12, 1931. Her remains were brought here Jan. 14 and laid to rest in the Norway cemetery, The Rev. S. J. Strandjord officiating. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Peter Anderson of Clermont and four brothers, Severt, Henry, Nels and Christopher. Her age was 84 years, three months and eighteen days.

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