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Minihan, Mary (Gaynor) 1845-1915


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 7/29/2022 at 13:09:18

Register and Argus, 27 May 1915. Volga column.

Word was received here of the death of Mrs. Minihan, residing on the West Union road north of here. The death occurred on Monday and funeral services were held at Elkader Wednesday morning, interment in St. Joseph's cemetery at that place.


Register and Argus, 03 June 1915.

The death of Mrs. Patrick Minihan occurred Monday, May 24th, at her home in Highland township.

Mary Gaynor was born in Ireland in 1845 and was married to Patrick Minihan in 1869. Seven children were born to them, six of whom survive. One child and her husband have preceded to the other shore. The surviving children are Patrick, at home, Mrs. Kate Bergan, of Volga, and the Misses Mamie, Hanna, Anna and Magge at home.

Mrs. Minihan was a true, warm-hearted woman with a cheerful disposition that made friends of all with whom she came in contact. There are many who will long cherish her memory and sympathize with the bereaved children.

The funeral services were held Wednesday morning, May 26th, from St. Joseph's church, Rev. J. F. Reilly officiating, and were largely attended.

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