Kurdelmier, William F. died 1898
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 5/18/2022 at 13:02:53
Elkader Register, Thur., 22 Dec. 1898.
Wm. Kurdelmier, aged about 65 years, after a long illness died at his home in Read twp., Wednesday afternoon. His wife and seven children mourn his death. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from his late residence.
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Elkader Register, Thur., 29 Dec. 1898.
Wm. Frederick Kurdelmeier, who died on Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1898, at his home in Read twp., was born in Hanover, Germany. He learned the carpenter trade, and at the age of 16 years came to America, first settling in Cincinnati. Here he learned music in which he took great pleasure. In 1854 he married Louisa Schumier, by whom he had two children. In 1860 he came to Garnavillo, and in that year his wife died. He soon after was united in marriage with Marie Piper, of Garnavillo, where he lived for many years following his trade as a carpenter. Later he purchased a farm of Fritz Thoma on which he resided at the time of his death. By his second marriage he had ten children, of whom seven survive. The two children by the first marriage, Mrs. Louisa Beckman and Julius, live at Manila, Iowa. The other children are Mrs. W. Tewes and Louis Kurdelmeier, of Monona. George, John, Fritz, Emma, and Matilda are living at home. The last year of the deceased was one of continued suffering from Bright's disease, which neither medical skill or work of loving hands could cure. The family lose in him a loving husband and friend and the community a good citizen. The funeral was largely attended on Saturday last at Clayton Center, Rev. Seifert officiating.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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