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Bals, George Herman 1879 - 1898


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 5/1/2022 at 11:42:46

Elkader Register, Fri., 21 Jan. 1898. Elkport column.

Thursday, Jan. 13, 1898, George Herman Bals, son of John and Ida Bals, died at the age of 18 years, 11 months and 10 days, of typhoid fever.

"George Bals is dead" were the sorrowing words that were passed from lips to lips Friday morning, and a feeling of genuine sorrow and regret settled over the whole community. George was an honorable, upright young man, beloved and respected by all who knew him. Many a tear was shed by sympathizing friends when all that was mortal of one of Elkport's noblest boys was laid in that cold , cold grave, forever shutting off from their view one whom they loved and respected during life.

Deceased was born in Elkport, Feb. 1, 1879, and was nearly 19 years of age. For over three years he worked with his father in the harness shop. His desire to become a jeweler and optician caused him to leave the harness trade and his father sent him to a Hor_______ school at Rockford, Ill., from which he graduated Jan. _st. From there he went to Chicago to attend a school for opticians, at which place he was taken sick. His great desire was to be home with his parents. He arrived here on the morning of January _th with a raging fever. Dr. Kriebs was summoned and at once diagnosed the cause as typhoid fever in its worst form. Dr. D_____, of Guttenberg, was called in consultation, but all that medical aid and kind friends could do was of no avail, and the spirit passed to its Maker.

The funeral took place Sunday and was very largely attended. Revs. Fritschel, of Elkport, and Gammelin, of Garnavillo, conducted the services. The sermon by Rev. Gammelin was a very able and feeling one.

Pall bearers were schoolmates and comrades of the deceased and were as follows: Ed Beck, Isaac McSperrins, Fred Schnack, Peter Kircher, Bert Walthers and Cas. Zapf. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all in their sad hour of affliction.


Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen


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