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Lamphier, Edith Pearl (Phillips) 1884 - 1905


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:23

Elkader Register, Thur., 04 May 1905. Bailey Ridge column.

Mrs. Pearl Lamphier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, died at her home near Volga, leaving a husband, son, father, mother, sister and three brothers. She was laid to rest in the Volga cemetery Thursday. Her friends were shocked to hear of her death and deeply sympathize with the family in their sad affliction.

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Elkader Register, Thur., 04 May 1905. Volga column.

Edith Pearl Phillips was born in Volga, Iowa, May 13th, 1884. She grew to womanhood in and near Volga and August 28th, 1902, she was married to Austin Lamphier, a farmer living near Volga, where they immediately went to housekeeping. One child was born of this union, Virgil, born July 25th, 1903. Pearl, as she was familiarly called by her friends, was a favorite with those who knew her best. She was of a gentle, loving disposition, and patiently bore her last severe illness. She died April 26th, 19905, after a brief illness, in the bloom of her youth, leaving husband, son, father, mother, one sister, three brothers and hosts of friends who mourn her early death.

"Death should come gently
To one of gentle mould like thee,
As light winds, wandering through groves
of bloom,
Detach the delicate blossoms from the tree;
Close thine eyes calmly, and without pain,
And we will trust in God to see thee yet again.

Mr. Lamphier and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Phillips and family desire to express their sincere gratitude to all who assisted them in any way during their recent bereavement.

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