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unknown Italian R.R. worker, died 1899


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:25

The Monona Leader, 11 May 1899. Home News columns.

One of the Italians at work near Luana, whose name we did not learn, last evening, while on a loaded handcar, and nearing the place for stopping, jumped forward from the car falling across the rail, and the loaded car struck him and passed over him, almost severing the body in two. He died at 3:30 this morning. The funeral was held to-day, the Italians turning out in full force.

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Elkader Register, Thur., 18 May 1899. Luana column.

One of the Italian workman fell off a handcar one evening last week and the car passed over him. He lived only a short time, and was buried in the Catholic cemetery at Monona. All that his friends or the town people could possibly do was done for him. His chief thought was for his young wife and two babies in Italy who were to come over as soon as a home could be made for them. Everyone was saddened by the death.


Added by S. Ferrall 3/11/2021:

An Italian laborer, name unknown, at work in the Milwaukee track near the Leui place, yesterday, fell from a hand car and was run over by it, receiving injuries which may prove fatal. His mangled body was taken to Luana and medical help summoned. He was almost disemboweled, and his recovery is hardly expected.
~Graphic, Postville, Allamakee co., IA; Thurs. May 11, 1899

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Luana, May 11 - An Italian workman was fatally hurt last evening and died this morning at 3:30. Several carloads of laborers were coming in from their day's work and this man either fell off the car or stepped off ahead of the car and was run over and cut and horribly mangled by the cog-wheels under the car. Dr. Readhow, of Monona, was called and did all he could to relieve his sufferings. The funeral today at Monona was conducted by Father Hogan. He leaves a wife and two children in Italy.
~Dubuque Daily Times, May 12, 1899

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