Lembke, Mina (Kalke) 1878 - 1929
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:24
Clayton County Register, Thur., 07 Nov. 1929.
Mrs. Mina Lembke, geb. Kalke, was born March 27, 1878 in Read township and died at her home in Elkader, Thursday morning, Oct. 31, 1929. She was confirmed in the Lutheran Zion's church at Clayton Center March 26, 1893 by the Rev. Seifert and united in wedlock Feb. 22, 1900 with Fred Lembke, who died Nov. 5th, 1928. One daughter was born to this union.
During all this time Mrs. Lembke lived and toiled with her husband on their farm in Read township until five years ago when they moved to Elkader. Her whole earthly career was fifty-one years, seven months and four days.
To mourn the passing of a good and providing mother is her only daughter, Lucy, married to Lorenz Glawe and their little daughter, LaNida, residing in Read township, the aged father, Heinrich Kalke, and one brother, Friederich Kalke, also living in Read township; one sister, Mrs. J. Feyen, resides in Dubuque.
Mrs. Lembke was a faithful life-long member of the Lutheran Zion's church and of the Ladies Aid. While still in good health she was always a willing worker in all of its activities. Until two weeks before (several words blurred) hoped to be able to attend services in her home church in Clayton Center but languishingly this hope failed.
The funeral was held from the late home and in the church Saturday afternoon, Nov. 2, her pastor, the Rev. Korte, officiating, with interment in the new cemetery at Clayton Center. A large attendance was manifest, sorrowing friends, relatives and erstwhile neighbors. - Contributed.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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