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Kok, Barbery (Sceiron or Scerion) Gazier died 1897


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:24

Elkader Register, Fri. morning, 19 Nov. 1897. Luana column.

Mrs. Mary Henderson's mother, Mrs. Barbery Cook, died Friday morning. Mrs. Cook has lived with her daughter in Luana several months and for the last few weeks has not been well although not considered in a critical condition until Wednesday. The trouble was heart disease. Three daughters and four grandchildren was present at the funeral, which was held Sunday at the home of Mrs. Henderson in town. In spite of the nasty weather a great many friends and neighbors were there to show their respect for the dead one do all that might be done to soften the sorrow of the living. The service was conducted by Rev. Barnes and the songs by the M.E. choir.


Added by S. Ferrall 9/20/2020:

DIED - Friday, a.m., November 12th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Barbara Kok, aged 76 years.

Mrs. Kok was born in Germany, and came to America 44 years ago. She was twice married, first united with Phillip Gazier, to this union there were born seven children, 2 sons and 5 daughters. Two sons and one daughter long since preceeded the mother to the grave.

The surviving children are Mrs. Lizzie Hardin of Monona; Mrs. Frank Henderson, of Luana; and Mrs. Ferguson of Calmar; Mrs. Mowery, residing in Wisconsin was unable to be present.

Mrs. Kok was raised in the Catholic faith, but for many years has attended the Protestant churches. As one who well knew her says, "She was a woman of a sincerity and prayer," devoted in her religious inclinations as she saw the way.

The funeral was held on Sunday and was largely attended by friends and family.

~Monona Leader, Thursday, November 18, 1897; pg 4

Note: her maiden name is from the 1925 Iowa State census entry for her daughter Mary 'May' Henderson. The handwriting is difficult to read, so the actual image should be examined by interested researchers to determine exactly what her maiden name was.


Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen


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