Lowe, Caroline (Fobes) 1843 - 1928
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:25
Clayton County Register, Thur., 21 June 1928. Volga City column.
Caroline Fobes, daughter of Artemus K. and Caroline Fobes, was born in Ashtabula County, Ohio, November 27, 1843, and died at the home of her daughter, near Volga, Iowa, June 12, 1928, aged 84 years, 6 months and 15 days. She was one of a family of fourteen children and moved with her parents in 1855 to Clayton County, Iowa, where she resided for 48 years, moving to Kansas in 1903. She was united in marriage with Henry E. Davies, June 19, 1859, and to them five children were born, namely, Elmer, now of La Harpe, Kansas; Mrs. Gusta Enhign and Mrs. Nellie Probert, who live near Volga; Albert, who died in 1899, and Abby, who died in 1877. In 1887 she was left alone to cope with life's varied situations. For a time she lived with and cared for her mother, who died in 1899.
In 1893, she was married to John Lowe, who also preceded her in death, having passed away in 1912. With the exception of the past few weeks she has made her home in La Harpe, Kansas, since 1903. In failing health she came to finish her earthly existence at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gusta Ensign. Early in life she joined the Methodist church but later in life turned to the Seven Day Adventist faith. She passed through all the hardships of pioneer life, always meeting her adversities with a smile. When many would have felt their days of usefulness past, she was going here and there administering a word of cheer or doing a kindly deed. She delighted in travel, making trips without a travelling companion and personally attending to all matters pertaining to her journeys. in 1916 she visited her three grandsons in Washington and every two years she returned to Iowa to visit relatives. Only on her final trip to Volga did she require assistance in the trip. Besides the three children mentioned before, she leaves to mourn her death two brothers, Alva, of Cedonia, Wash, and Albert, of El Reno, Okla.; seven grandchildren, eleven great-grandchildren, other relatives and a host of friends. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church in Volga, on Thursday, June 14, conducted by the pastor, Rev. N. Ernest Bottom. The sermon was preached from 1 Cor. 15:26, "The Death." The body was laid to rest in Hill Crest cemetery.
(Note: The surname Enhign / Ensign was spelled both ways in the obit, as presented here.)
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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