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Hagen, John 1822 - 1902


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:25

Source: Decorah Republican Mar. 13, 1902 Page 3 Col 3

—John Hagen, one of the pioneer German settlers of Clayton county, died on the 2d inst. He came to Iowa in 1855 with what was called the Community Colony, an association based on the community plan that lasted but four years.


Added by Reid R. Johnson on 3/3/2021:

Elkader Register, Thur., 06 Mar. 1902.

At the home of his daughter, Mrs. Theodore Koester, at Mederville, on Sunday, March 2nd, occurred the death of John Hagen, one of the early German settlers of this county.

Mr. Hagen lacked one day of reaching the age of 80 years, first seeing the light of day on March 3, 1822, in Romhild, Saxony-Meiningen, Germany. He learned the carpenter trade and worked for nine years as a journeyman in South Germany and Switzerland. Deciding to emigrate to America he, in company with others among whom was his future wife, landed in New York on July 4th, 1849, and from there went to Covington, Kentucky where on July 29th of that year he married Nanette Walser. After working for a time in Cincinnati, Mr. Hagen came to Clayton County in 1855, as a member of the Communia Colony. The Colony being discontinued four years later, Mr. Hagen bought a farm in Cox Creek township and pursued that avocation until he retired from activity. The last years of Mr. Hagen have been filled with grief, Mrs. Hagen died in 1884, and of his family of nine children only three daughters, two residing in Minneapolis, and Mrs. Theodore Koester, of Mederville, are living. The death of his sons Valentine and John, in the prime of life were great sorrows to the aged gentleman.

Mr. Hagen was a man who delighted in travel and was a keen observer who frequently contributed articles of interest to his favorite paper, the Herold. He was a good citizen, an honest, respected man and a kind father.

The funeral was held in Elkader Tuesday, Rev. Braun officiating. Interment in the East Side cemetery.

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