Kalke, Marie (Frimann) 1838 - 1919
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:24
Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 6 Mar. 1919. Read column.
Marie Kalke, nee Frimann, was born August 1, 1838, in Lenzen, Province of Brandenburg, Germany. There she was baptized, educated and confirmed. In 1866 she was united in marriage with Herrn Heintich Kalke, and four more years they lived in their old home. Then they became pilgrims and sought a new home in America. The first year after their arrival they lived in Clayton Center, then they moved upon their farm west of town where they lived the greater part of their life, surrounded by their work and cares.
In the meantime having become old and infirm they sold the farm to their son-in-law and retired to their present homestead.
About five years ago the deceased was stricken with paralysis from which she never recovered. Her powers of resistance gradually waned, until in February 9, when in an unconscious moment she fell and broke her hipbone. Since then she passed restless days and nights on a bed of pain. On Wednesday she asked to receive the Lord's supper and partook of it in the belief of her Redeemer. Early Saturday morning Feb. 22, she closed her eyes in eternal slumber.
Eight children were born to this union; of these one son and four daughters survive. Her death is mourned by her husband, her son Fred, and her daughters, Mrs. Dorothea Bettke, Mrs. Marie Fehn, Mrs. Ida Possehl, and Mrs. Minna Lemble; also 21 grandchildren mourn her passing. She had reached the age of 80 years, 6 months and 21 days.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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