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Druecker, Augusta S. (Bergman) 1847 - 1913


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:24

Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 24 Apr. 1913. Volga City Views column.

The death of Mrs. Druecker occurred at her home early Sunday morning, demise following an illness of long duration. The funeral was held from the house to St. Sebald Tuesday morning. The family have the deepest sympathy of all.

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Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 1 May 1913.

Augusta S. Bergman was born in Germany Nov. 11, 1847. She was the youngest child of a family of three daughters, one coming to America and the others remaining in their native country. Her mother died when she was twenty years of age and her father after she had been in America but a short time.

She was united in marriage to William H. Druecker Jan. 5th, 1870, and they came to this country in 1880. To this union were born eight children, four being born in Germany, Caroline W. Bartels, Augusta, William F. and August F., Augusta and William died in the first four weeks they were here, and in this country were born Henry J., Herman H., Louise A. Chappell and Rosa F. Henry and Herman died about three weeks apart in 1902, at the age of 19 and 17. They lived on a farm near Strawberry Point until 18 years ago, when they moved on a farm near Volga. They lived there until about a year ago, when they bought a home in town and came here to spend their remaining days. The children are all living near and were all at her bedside during her sickness. She passed from this earth to her heavenly home early Sunday morning, April 20th.

Mrs. Druecker was a member of the German Lutheran church and was confirmed at the age of fourteen. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, four children and six grandchildren and a host of friends. Too much cannot be said of Mrs. Druecker. She was always a loving mother, a true friend and was loved by all who knew her, always willing and ready to be of some aid to someone else.

(Note: An apparent reference to Augusta W. Druecker, 1847 - 1913, shown in WPA records as buried in St. Sebald cemetery.)

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