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Meyer, Carl 1832-1913


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:24

Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 27 Mar. 1913. Local News columns.

Carl Meyer, an aged and highly respected resident of Garnavillo township, passed away Wednesday evening. We are informed that the funeral will be held Saturday.

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Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 10 Apr. 1913. Garnavillo column.

Mr. Carl Meyer was born at Kleinen, Mecklenburg, Schwerin on Oct. 4, 1832, and died at his home in this township on Tuesday afternoon, March 25, 1913, after a week's illness.

He came to this country with his brother and sister in 1852, and in 1858 was married in Miss Elsie Peters at Guttenberg, Iowa. In 1874 they settled on the farm, where their son Theodore is now living.

Thirteen children were born to them: Mrs. Jos. Wirkler, of this place; Henry and Will, of Farmersburg; Helmuth, of Castalia; August, of Wagner township; Mrs. Aug. Tangeman, of Read township; Chas. and Theodore, of Garnavillo township; Mrs. Fred Drahn, of Farmersburg; Mrs. John Meyer, of Farmersburg township; and Mrs. James Foran and Miss Amelia Meyer, of Read township. One daughter preceded the parents in death.

In December, 1908, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Meyer died in July, 1910. Besides the children, Mr. Meyer leaves one brother, living in Germany, 27 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Mr. Meyer was a successful farmer, prominent and highly respected in this vicinity. He endured the hardships of the early settler, but by his untiring perseverance and hard labor acquired a competency for his large family and made improvements on his farm, until he had one of the finest places in this section. He was of a social nature, and was never known to be other than kind and indulgent.

Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon, March 29th, at St. Paul's church, Rev. K. Wm. Braun officiating.

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