Meyer, Henry 1854 - 1921
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:23
Elkader Register, Thur., 8 Sept. 1921.
Henry Meyer, prominent in Chicago banking circles and formerly a resident of Elkader died at his home in Chicago at 3:30 Monday morning, September fifth after an illness of between three and four weeks. Pernicious anemia complicated with heart trouble was the cause of death.
His remains were brought here this (Wednesday) morning and the funeral was held this afternoon from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Donlon, with Masonic ceremonies. Mr. Meyer was born in New York City August 3rd, 1854, the son of Herman and Elizabeth Meyer who came to this country from Hanover, Germany, in 1848. When a boy of six he went to Germany with his grandmother and received his early education in the schools there. In 1868, when a boy of fourteen he again crossed the Atlantic and started his business life as an errand boy. He became acquainted with Hon. E. H. Williams who was then President of the Iowa Eastern Railroad, and acting upon his suggestion Mr. Meyer came to Clayton County and accepted a position in the engineer corps of the Iowa Eastern Railroad and finally became clerk of W. D. Crook.
In 1877, after five years of faithful service with the company, he was made Superintendent of the road between Buelah and Elkader, and acted as such for five years. On July 18, 1883, he accepted the position as Cashier of the First National Bank of Elkader, which position he held until May 18, 1898, at which time he received the appointment as National Bank Examiners for Iowa, and resigned after four years in this position to take a position with the Des Moines National Bank, and left there after a few months service to accept the Cashiership of the Hamilton National Bank of Chicago. In 1912 the Hamilton National Bank was absorbed by the National City Bank of Chicago and Mr. Meyer was then selected as Assistant Cashier, which position he held at the time of his death.
On October 31, 1877, Mr. Meyer was married to Miss Lucy S. Appleman of Fayette County, Iowa. One son, Frank A., and two daughters were born to them. Mrs. Meyer died March 25th, 1889, and on April 19th Mr. Meyer married Miss Minerva Leach of Elkader. One son, Donald, was born to them.
While a resident of Elkader Mr. Meyer was prominent in business, social and political affairs. He was a member of Elkader Lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M., of which he was master for several years; and Harmony Chapter No. 41, R.A.M., of Elkader and Honorius Commandery No. 8, K.T., of McGregor, and held his membership in these orders at the time of his death.
Mr. Meyer is survived by his wife, two sons Dr. Donald Meyer of Evanston, Illinois; Frank A. Meyer of St. Louis; and two daughters, Mrs. Amy Donlon of Elkader and Mrs. Lucy Stringer of Calgary, Canada.
The funeral services were held this afternoon from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Donlon, Rev. Hempstead officiating, and were in charge of the Masonic order. Masons were in attendance from all parts of the county, and a delegate from Honorius Commandery were in uniform. The pall bearers were Fred Williams, G. W. Gifford, Wm. Becker, W. W. Davidson, C. L. Gilge and H. D. Brown. Interment was made in the East Side cemetery.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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