Larson, Peter / Peder 1847-1910
Posted By: S. Ferrall, IAGenWeb volunteer
Date: 8/15/2016 at 21:17:20
Peter Larson, some sixty-three years of age, passed away suddenly at his home Sunday night. During the day he seemed in his usual health and had attended the christening of his baby at the Marion church. Some time during the night he told his wife that he was very sick and in a comparatively short time after that he was dead. Heart trouble was the cause of death, from which ailment deceased had suffered attacks in the past.
The funeral was held from the Marion church Wednesday afternoon. The G.A.R. post of Elkader attended the funeral in a body and had charge of the services at the grave as Mr. Larson was an old veteran and a member of the post.
~Elgin Echo, Elgin, Fayette co. IA, Thurs. August 4, 1910
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Peter Larson died at his home in Gunder August 1, 1910 between 1:00 and 2:00 o'clock a.m., of heart trouble, at the age of 63 years.
The subject of this sketch was born March 31st, 1847, in the city of Drammen, Norway, and spent his childhood days there. In 1858 his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lars Jensen concluded to come to America and they first settled in Winnebago County, Illinois, which was their home until 1865, when they came to Clayton County, which has been their home ever since and where both of his parents died.
During the Civil War, Lars Jensen furnished the army with three of his sons, Halvor, Jens and Peter. Peter was the youngest, and not much more than a boy, but he enlisted Dec. 3, 1863 in Co. H., 74th Ill. Inf., and served until May 29th, 1865, when he was honorably discharged on account of wounds received in a railroad wreck.
After the war Peter Larson settled in Highland twp., and in 1867 was married to Miss Carrie Endresin, and with her he lived a long and happy wedded life. Six children were born to them, Lars, Edward, Henry, Christ, Margaret (now Mrs. Able A. Larson), and Isabel, the youngest, who died several years ago. All of his children are farming and doing well.
On Nov. 18th, 1894, Mrs. Larson died and two years later, in 1896 he married Carrie Olson, also of Highland. They lived on the old home farm until about a year ago, when he brought a house in Gunder and here he intended to make his future home. He had a nice home but he did not have a chance to use it very long before death claimed him.
For several years Mr. Larson has not been feeling well and at different times he has been very sick, but this summer and up to the time of his death he was feeling well and working all the time.
The day before his death being Sunday, he attended meeting in the Marion church. He was in his usual place and feeling well. After services Rev. Arveson went home with him and baptized his little three-weeks-old son, giving him the name Perry Cornelius. Between 1:00 and 2:00 o'clock that night the summons came, and in ten minutes all was over and the old soldier had answered the last call and the journey of life was ended.
In the death of Peter Larson this country loses one of its best citizens, a man, who by his kind and jovial disposition made friends wherever he went. He was a good christian man and took great interest in the welfare of his church. He will be greatly missed by all his friends, and they were many, and it can be truly said that he had no enemies.
Mr. Larson was a good father and a kind husband, and he leaves his family well provided for. As with the rest of mankind, Mr. Larson has had his share of sorrow and trouble, but he bore it all patiently and put his trust in God to help him through.
On Wednesday afternoon, August 3rd, Mr. Larson was carried to his last resting place, services being held at Marion church, where Rev. Arveson and Rev. Bursett preached the funeral sermon. The stars and stripes covered the casket of the old soldier, who, in his youthful days left his home to fight for and under the star spangled banner and for his adopted country. His old comrades acted as pall bearers and escorted him to the grave, and with the military honors which he well deserved, he was laid to rest.
A large number of relatives and friends came to take a last and lingering look at the friendly and familiar face for the last time, and here, after a life of toil and strife, our friend rests and his soul is safe in the heavenly city where all is joy and glory.
~The Register & Argus, Elkader, IA, Thursday
evening, August 11, 1910Note: his first name on his gravestone is spelled Peder, he shares the stone with his first wife and Ingeborg C. Larson, who possibly is his daughter named Isabel in the obit.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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