Lewin, Frederich W. 1827-1896
Posted By: Audrey Haught, volunteer
Date: 7/1/2015 at 20:28:21
Frederich William Lewin, whose serious accident we chronicled several weeks ago, the accident occurring on December 30, 1895, died at the hotel Sunday evening, January 19, 1896, and was buried at Ceres Tuesday, Jan. 21, Rev. Sommerlad officiating.
Mr. Lewin was born in Pensin, Kreis Demmin, in May 1827, and came to this country with his wife, Marie and children in the spring of 1884. Since that time he has resided in this vicinity with his family and was known for his honesty and integrity. Three of the large family of children are yet living, two of whom are married. The youngest Caroline, is yet at home with her aged mother.
Some time ago, the aged couple bought themselves a small farm and had succeeded by hard work in paying for it, and had finally settled down to enjoy the rest of their days in peace, when the accident occurred which broke up a family and throws another widow upon the care of the county.
At the time that the accident occurred, a great deal of talking and boasting was done about the dire punishment which would be meted out to the guilty parties, as soon as they could be found. Further than this talk, nothing was done. The parties that ran into Lewin’s wagon and caused it to upset have never shown themselves and still maintain their cowardly silence. One could have some sympathy for a man who, after causing someone else trouble, would try to make all the reparation in his power, but all sympathy vanishes and the milk of human kindness curdles, when one thinks of a man who after overthrowing a fellow-being and seeing him lie wounded and bleeding on the ground, can willfully desert that suffering being for the sake of covering up his own guilt. It is base, contemptible, cowardly.
Since the death of Lewin, there is much talk of prosecuting the guilty parties. We are not an authority in legal matters, but it seems to us that little would be gained by this. This point is right here: The widow and family of the deceased are the ones who will suffer the most by this bereavement. What will they gain if the guilty parties are punished legally. The widow is a poor woman, too old to fight through long intricate legal proceedings which will more than eat away any damages which she may collect. Amicable settlement between the guilty parties and the widow would be much more to her benefit, and might also go quite a way to rector the respect of the community to those who are guilty.
We appeal to our intelligent citizens, and to the sense of honor and fairness. See that this poor woman has justice. Let it not be said that an action which cost the life of a father and broke up a family, was allowed to go unpunished and unpaid in Garnavillo.
Garnavillo Sentinel: January 23, 1896
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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