Cole, Jane Duncan (McClelland) died 1893
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 2/17/2013 at 10:20:49
Postville Graphic, Thur., 9 Nov. 1893.
Mrs. Liberty Cole, one of the oldest settlers of Clayton county, died last week, the funeral taking place at the Methodist church, Clayton, on Sunday, Rev. Parkins officiating. Deceased and her husband came from the east early in the 50s, and settled in the southern part of the county, where the thriving town of Colesburg now stands. She was known and loved by a large circle of friends; a woman of exemplary Christian character, she leaves a memory which will ever be hallowed by those from whom she has been taken. We understand that Dr. Wm. Cole, of this city, is a nephew of the deceased.
Note: Although no gravestone has been located for her or her husband, the most likely burial place is the Clayton cemetery.
Added by S. Ferrall:
DIED - At Clayton, Nov. 2d, 1893, Jane D. McClelland, aged 68 years and 4 months. She was born July 3d, 1825, at Uniontown, Fayette county, Pa.
At the age of 12 years she, with her parents, came to Prairie la Porte, now Guttenberg, where she was united in marriage on Oct. 16th, 1843, with Liberty W. Cole. Since that time they have resided in Delaware and Clayton counties.
Ten children were born to them. Two, Juliette and Benjamin, preceded her in death.
Eight children, Mrs. M.L. Schumacher, Omaha, Neb.; Mrs. A.C. Fishell and Mr. S. Cole, of Greeley, Iowa; C.A. Cole, of Prairie du Chien, Wis.; Mrs. O. Broch, of Independence, Ia.; Mrs. A. Bass, Minneapolis, Minn.; E.W. Cole, of Turkey River and Adelbert Cole, of Clayton; with the aged husband are left to mourn the loss of a loving Christian mother and true wife.
Mrs. Cole was raised a Presbyterian, but later united with the M.E. church of Clayton, of which she was a faithful member at her death.
~Elkader Register, Thursday, November 9, 1893; Clayton Correspondence column pg 4
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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