Freiden, Leah (Snyder) 1866-1905
Posted By: S. Ferrall - IAGenWeb volunteer
Date: 10/10/2011 at 13:42:27
Mrs. Ben Freiden Dead
Sunday morning our citizens were shocked when the sad intelligence was passed from mouth to mouth that Mrs. Freiden had died that morning at five o'clock at her farm home a short distance southeast of this city. Only a few days before she had been in the city purchasing goods and greeting her friends. Saturday she was taken seriously sick and medical assistance was summoned, but upon the arrival of the doctor it was found she was in a very critical condition and in spite of medical skill and tender care she grew steadily worse and was seized with convulsions from the throes of which she died at the time above stated.
Mrs. Freiden was a woman highly esteemed in the community in which she lived. She was a lady of rare attainments and ws the best of neighbors and the truest of friends. Most of her life has been spent near this city. At the time of her death she was thirty-eight years of age. Her maiden name was Snyder, she being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snyder, and her loss will be greatly lamented in the community in which she has lived and loved. She was a woman who endeavored to do her Master's teachings as she understood them and in her passing from this life much regret and sorrow is felt.
Besides a husband and seven children, many relatives and friends are left to mourn the loss of a true wife, devoted mother and constant friend. Appropriate funeral rites were held Tuesday and interment made at the German Apostolic church near their home.
Mother rest, thy trouble's o'er
Sleep the sleep that knows no waking
We can see thy face no more,
And our broken hearts are aching
But your eyes so full of love
Look down on us from above.
Deeply grieved, but only waiting
Till life's troubles will be o'er.
When we all shall meet in Heaven
There where friends'll part no more,
Where all earthly troubles cease
Dearest mother rest in peace.~Elgin Echo, Feb 2, 1905
~Leah was Ben Freiden's first wife. In April 1907, he married Rachael Snyder Sutter, who likely was Leah's sister. Joe Snyder's obit is on the Fayette co. Obit board, with surname spelled Schneider.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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