McGuire, James 1797-1873
Posted By: Sharon (email)
Date: 11/20/2006 at 19:29:10
Died - At his residence in Grand Meadow Township, Friday December 12, 1873, James McGuire aged 76 years. The deceased was a native of the County Cavan Ireland. Many years ago he removed to the new world and for over twenty years resided in Clayton County. He wa a noble type of man; a true Christian and an excellent citizen. He lived to make others happy as his well known hospitality will attest. The poor and needy never passed from under his roof without substantial aid. He lived and died as we should all strive to live and die, a friend to suffering humanity and a devoted Christian. Through a humble citizen, he will be remembered and his good deeds will live long after many in higher stations of life will have been forgotten. The remains of this good man were taken to their last resting place in Clemont on Sabbath, followed by a procession more than two miles in length. May he rest in peace.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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