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John Francis Wilson (1859-1934)


Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 4/14/2023 at 19:25:33

J. Frank Wilson
(April 6, 1859 - August 24, 1934)

Among the representative citizens of Twin Lakes Township none are more deserving of mention in this volume than the gentleman whose name introduces this sketch. Since 1887 he has been connected with the agricultural interests of Calhoun County, and through his well directed efforts has gained a comfortable competence that numbers him among the substantial citizens of his community. Keen discrimination, unflagging industry and resolute purpose are numbered among his salient characteristics, and thus he has won a prosperity which is the merited reward of honest effort. A native of Iowa, Mr. Wilson was born in Story County, April 6, 1859, and is a son of William and Martha (Wharton) Wilson. The father was born in Barnesville, Ohio, in July, 1828, while the mother's birth occurred near Indianapolis, Indiana. Her father, George Wharton, a farmer by occupation, came to Iowa in 1855 and settled in Polk County, where he spent the remainder of his life. During his younger years William Wilson followed the cabinetmaker's trade, but after coming to this state, in 1854, devoted his time and attention principally to agricultural pursuits. For two years he made his home in Linn County, and then removed to Story County, where he continued to reside up to the time of his death. He was an earnest and consistent Christian, a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and was a Democrat in politics. His widow now resides in Des Moines. In their family were eleven children, namely: George J., Frank, Thomas, Sarah, Amanda, Grafton, Edward, Charles, Lilly M., and Osborn, who died aged twenty-one years, and William, who died in infancy. In the county of his nativity Mr. Wilson of this review grew to manhood upon a farm, early becoming familiar with all the duties which fall to the lot of the agriculturist. His primary education was received in the local schools and he was later a student at Ames College for two years. In the meantime he taught school through the winter months, and continued to follow that occupation for some time with marked success. Coming to Calhoun County in 1887 he bought one hundred and sixty acres of land in Twin Lakes Township, and has since added to it, so that he now has a fine farm of two hundred and thirty-two acres, which he has placed under a high state of cultivation. He has made all of the improvements upon the place and today has a well ordered and valuable farm. He raises from forty to sixty-rive acres of corn and from thirty-five to forty acres of small grain, while the remainder of his farm is meadow and pasture land. He keeps thirty-eight head of cattle, making a specialty of full-blooded Durhams, and owns a registered bull. He also raises horses and hogs.
On the 1st of September, 1887, Mr. Wilson was united in marriage with Miss Hattie Donaker, who was born in Iowa County, this state, July 17, 1863, a daughter of J. and Margaret (Hardest)) Donaker. Three children bless this union, their names and dates of birth being as follows: Earl D., May 21, 1888; Foster W., June 17, 1890; and Helen, October 29, 1894. In political sentiment Mr. Wilson is a Democrat, and as a public-spirited and enterprising man he takes an active interest in public affairs, especially along the line of education. He is now serving most efficiently as president of the school board, which office he has filled for the past six years. Religiously he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and is a man highly respected and esteemed by all who known him. [Source - Biographical Record of Calhoun County, Iowa, by S. J. Clarke, 1902, p.508]


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