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Charles Whittlesey (1856-1930)


Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 4/14/2023 at 19:11:04

Charles A. Whittlesey
(December 17, 1856 - December 8, 1930)

Prominent among the energetic, far-seeing and successful business men of Calhoun County is C. A. Whittlesey, of Manson. His life most happily illustrates what may he attained by faithful and continued effort in carrying out an honest purpose. Integrity, activity and energy have been the crowning points of his success, and his connection with various business enterprises have been of decided advantage to this portion of the state, promoting its material welfare in no uncertain manner. Mr. Whittlesey is a native of Winnebago County, Illinois, born on the 18th of September, 1850. His father, Eliphalet Whittlesey, who was born in Vermont in 1816, is still living at the age of eighty-six years. In the common schools of his native state our subject mastered the usual branches of
learning taught in such institutions and afterward pursued a course in a business college in Rockford. He has devoted much of his life to farming and stock-raising, although other business pursuits have also claimed his attention and led to his success. In 1872 he was married and came to Calhoun County, where he has since been identified with agricultural interests. His fields are well cultivated and in the purchase and sale of stock he manifests sound judgment and shows himself to be an excellent judge of stock. He has also dealt quite extensively in real estate and is well informed concerning realty values throughout this portion of the country. He is now representing the Horton & Whittlesey Land Agency, dealing
in Iowa lands and also in property in central and southern Minnesota, and with Mr. Horton engaged in the livery business. Whatever he undertakes he carries forward to successful completion, deterred by no obstacle or difficulty that can be overcome by
determined and honorable effort. In his political views Mr. Whittlesey is a Republican and has held all the local offices, so capably serving that he has been called to one position after another. No
man in the community is more widely or favorably known. In his fraternal relations he is a Knight of Pythias and for many years he has been a deacon in the Congregational church. He has resided in Calhoun County since 1869, and well may he be honored as a worthy pioneer whose efforts have been of material assistance in promoting public progress and improvement. He uniformly bears himself as a gentleman, is respected for his probity and integrity in business affairs, and in private life he has gained that warm regard which arises from kindliness, geniality, true nobility of character and deference for the opinions of others. [Source - Biographical Record of Calhoun County, Iowa, by S. J. Clarke, 1902, p.507]
Note: this biography says he was born Sep 18, 1850, but all other sources (census, death cert.) show him to be born in Dec. 1856.


Calhoun Biographies maintained by Karon S. Valeu.
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