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Henry V. Steinberg (1873-1951)


Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 4/14/2023 at 19:34:55

Henry V. Steinberg
(February 24, 1873 - October 26, 1951)

Henry V. Steinberg was born in Hessen Nassau, Germany, February 24, 1873 a son of Henry and Anna M. (Stacker) Steinberg. The father's birth occurred in 1843, and for three years he served his country as a soldier in the German army. He became a railroad engineer and throughout his business career has been thus employed. He now resides in Bebra, Hessen-Nassau Germany, but his wife passed away, her death having occurred when our subject was a little lad of five years. In the family were four children: William, who is a railway engineer, is now living in Instorburg, in the east of Russia. Previous to entering the railroad service he was in the marine corps for two years. Henry V. is the subject of this review. Martin served for two years in the German army and is now a baker of Kassel, Germany. Amelia, who was born February 28, 1884, resides at home with her father. In the schools of Bebra, Germany, Henry V. Steinberg continued his education until thirteen years of age. It was in the fall of 1886 that he bade adieu to friends and fatherland and sailed for America, taking up his abode in Livingston County, Illinois, where he worked on a farm belonging to his uncle, Adam Steinberg. He was there employed for seven years, and in the spring of 1894 he began farming on his own account, renting a tract of land in Ford County, Illinois, which he operated for two years. In the spring of 1896 he rented a farm in Livingston County, that state, and made his home thereon for four years. In the spring of 1900 he came to Calhoun County and here purchased two hundred and forty acres of land in Sherman Township. The place comprises one hundred and sixty acres of the south half of section 3 and the west eighty acres of the southwest quarter of section 2. In addition to general farming he is making a specialty of stock-raising, particularly Aberdeen and polled Angus cattle. He also raises and deals in Duroc Jersey hogs and in this branch of his business he is meeting with creditable success. He has good buildings upon his farm and everything is neat and thrifty in appearance, indicating his careful supervision. In 1893 Mr. Steinberg had purchased a quarter section of land in Martin County, Minnesota. He spent a few months on that farm during that year and also was a resident of Iowa for a few months at that time but did not permanently locate here until 1900.
On the 6th of March, 1894, in Livingston County, Illinois. Mr. Steinberg was united in marriage to Nancy K. Knauer, who was born in that county March 6, 1872, and is a daughter of Frank and Annie (Schroen) Knauer. Her father was born in Saxony, Germany, and her mother is a native of the province of Hessen-Nassau. They now reside in Livingston County, Illinois, where they are engaged in agricultural pursuits. In their family were eight children, namely: Elizabeth, the wife of Joseph Kuntz, of Livingston, Illinois; Charles and Bruno, both deceased; Mrs. Steinberg; and Augusta, Katie, Herman and Minnie, all living at home with their parents. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Steinberg has been blessed with two children, Margaret, who was born June 10, 1896, and Augusta Amelia, born September 25, 1898. In his political views our subject is a Republican. He keeps well informed on the issues of the day but does not seek office. Socially he is connected with the Modern Woodmen of America. He has had no occasion to regret the fact that he left the little German home across the sea to seek his fortune in the land of the free. Here, improving his opportunities, he has advanced steadily and has gained a good property which is the merited reward of earnest and honest labor. [Source - Biographical Record of Calhoun County, Iowa, by S. J. Clarke, 1902, p.509]


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