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Re: census lookup


Posted By: deborah
Date: 8/29/2005 at 16:25:50

In Response To: Re: census lookup (Linda)

Information below is for Ernest and Zazel in the 1930 census

1930 United States Federal Census > Iowa > Black Hawk > Waterloo > District 16

writing on the census indicates they lived on Falls Avenue (if I'm making it out correctly)... Numbers before Ernest's name are 1723... 19 and 19.. They were renting.

According to her daughter's wedding write up in Waterloo Daily Courier (Waterloo, Iowa) > 1947 > June > 2 .. Zazel was living at 939 Dawson Steet in Waterloo.


I did find Zazel living with her parents in the 1910 and 1920 censuses. Posted that information above. Census takers did commonly mis-spell names and I typed information as it was shown in the census. Since I did find her parents in the 1900 census.. they lived in Coldwater Township Butler County from at least 1900 through at least 1920 so it's most likely that Zazel was born there and she did grew up there.
I just did state wide searches for John Jung as well as Ernest Jung at two sites and they are not showing up on the online census records that I have access to until 1920

1920 United States Federal Census > Iowa > Butler > Coldwater > District 84.. Living on Second Street.. Numbers are X..221..225.

Jung, John G... Head.. Rents... Male.. White.. 45.. Married.. Born in Iowa.. Parents born in Germany.. Occupation is None
, Julia...Wife... Female.. Whitle.. 42.. Married.. Born in Iowa.. Parents born in Germany
, Ernest C... Son......... Male.. White.. 22.. Single.... Born in Iowa.. Occupation is Farm Laborer.. Working out
, Lillian P...Daughter.... Femlae.. White.. 17.. Single.. Born in Iowa
, Harold C... Son......... Male.. White.. 13.. Single.. Born in Iowa
1930 United States Federal Census > Iowa > Floyd > Pleasant Grove > District 10 Numbers for abode information... blank.. 79.. 81

John, Julia and son Harold listed. John and Harold listed as Farmers.. General Farm... and it's rented.Iowa Recorder, The (Greene, Iowa) > 1933 > February > 1 -- has Julia Jung and son Harold living in Waterloo.

Name: John G. Jung
Death Date: 02 Jul 1931
Page #: 58
Birth Date: 1874
Cemetery: Riverside
Town: Charles City
Relative: 57
Level Info: Tombstone Records of Floyd County

http://www.rootsweb.com/~iafloyd/ccriversidecem.html -- link to Riverside Cemetery..John is listed there.


Check out various links on the following county websites


http://www.rootsweb.com/~iablackh/-- Since Julia Jung and her son Harold as well as Zazel were living in Waterloo, I'd check the various cemeteries and other links there for them.

I'd also be checking for information on both families at the library in Clarksville, You have a date of death for John Jung check microfilm there for an obituary for him. Perhaps there's information in their families files there on them.. I found information on my families there.

The Jungs were living in Floyd County... I'd check the Court House for that county. I'd also be checking Blackhawk County Court House Records.

I live out of state but am very familiar with the areas as my grandparents all lived there and have been there many times.. Have also been back there doing research.

Good Luck

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