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Russell, Amanda 1809-1882


Posted By: Geo Clinton (email)
Date: 7/5/2016 at 15:10:27

STORM LAKE PILOT - Jan 25, 1882 - page 8 - Died on Saturday, January 21, 1882, at the residence of J.M. Russell, of this city, Mrs. Amanda Russell, in the seventy-third year of her age.

The deceased had been confined to the house for many months, calmly awaiting the solemn summons the angel of death. She was born on the 24th day of June, 1809, and was consequently more than seventy two years of age at the time of her demise.

Her birthplace was in Cayuga County, New York, and from thence she moved to Kane County, Illinois, in 1844, thence to Wisconsin, thence to Iowa, thence to Kansas, and thence to Iowa again. For years her home has been with her son, Jay M. Russell, where she found every comfort, attention, and help that filial love could suggest.

Her maiden name was Bennett. In the year 1836 she was married to Alden Russell. He died in 1856. She was the mother of four children, all of whom survive her. They are: Jay, John, Ira, and Charles — true men and loving children — and all residents of Storm Lake, and during the long illness of "mother" each vied with the other to see which could render the greatest kindness to the woman who gave them birth.

The wives of these men were like-wise kind, considerate and attentive during the long months of the aged mother's sickness. Especially was Mrs. Jay Russell, the almost constant companion and attendant of her who now sleeps beneath the clay of Storm Lake's City of the Dead.

The funeral took place on Monday at 10 o'clock from the First Universalist Church, of this city and was very largely attended notwithstanding the exceedingly inclement weather, Rev. Geo. Morton, of the Congregationalist Church, preached the discourse and a long cortege followed the remains to the cemetery. It is a rather remarkable circumstance that all her children and all her living grand children were present at the funeral and that she was buried beside all her grandchildren who have died.


Buena Vista Obituaries maintained by LaVern Velau.
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