Old East Paint Creek Lutheran Cemetery
pg 397-408 * pg 409-421
Aas, Effie Lorentze (1883-Jan 23, 1910)
Johnson, Effie (1883-1910)
These entries likely are the same woman. Effie Johnson
died in Denver, CO per her obituary in the Waukon
Democrat. (R.O.)
Aas, Johan Johnson (1836-Nov 6, 1910)
Johnson, John C. (Oct 13, 1836-Nov 29,
These entries are likely the same man. ACDR list the
death of John Johnson, h/o Elise. Johnson is engraved on
their shared tombstone. Aas was probably his Norwegian
family or farm name. (R.O.)
Aas, Olaus Johnson (1839-1902 Feb 10)
Johnson, Olaus William (1838 Dec 24-1902
Feb 10)
These entries are the same man. The inscription on his
gravestone reads "Olaus Johnson Aas,
12/21/1838 - 02/10/1902". (R.O.)
Aas, Peder Henningsen (1825-1870 Apr 03)
This is Peder Henningsen Usgaard, buried
in either OWPC or WPC Synod. See also the Usgaard notes
on the WPC Synod notes
page for more info. (R.O.)
Boen, Mathea (1861-1946)
Boen, Ole H. (1857-1917)
Surname on gravestone is Boen, surname in U.S. was Olson.
Boen is a farm name in Norway. (R.O.)
Braekke - The following may have also
used the surname Peterson in America. I believe they all
came from a region in Norway called Braekke or Brekke.
Some were enumerated on the 1880 U.S. census with surname
Peterson. (R.O.)
Braekke, Anders P. (1860-1888 Jan 25); Braekke, Christian
Peder (1867-1896 Jul 09); Braekke, Edvard (1867-1872 May
11); Braekke, Johannes Jakob 1864-1890 Nov 13); Braekke,
Knud Pederson (1813-1893 Jul 21); Braekke, Lina Betia
(1821-1887 May 6); Braekke, Randi Eriksdatt (1822-1896
Jul 3); Braekke, Rikka Knudson (1795-1872 May 6)
Benjamin, Leonard (1893-1902 Dec 18)
This is likely Leonard Benjamin Swenson,
08/15/1893-12/18/1902. He is also shown under Swenson in Woodmansee.
Bergstrum, Hans Svendson (1821-6/8/1903)
Swenson, Hans B. (01/03/1821-06/08/1903)
Burt, Anna Christina (1898-1962)
Correct dates are 1898 - Feb 09, 1963. Parents Christ
& Elisa (Hanson) Vaage. Sources: ACDR and her
obituary in the Waukon Democrat. (R.O.)
Christianson, Ingvald (1903 Jul 12-1949
Nov 10)
Christianson, Ingvold R. (1900 Feb
02-1980 May 30)
Christianson, Isabell S. (1903 Jul
12-1949 Nov 10)
The three entries are actually for Ingvald R. and Isabell
S. Christianson, husband and wife. They share a
gravestone. His name on the stone is spelled Invald
rather than Invold. The 1st entry appears to be a
combination of both with her dates and his name. (R.O.)
Christianson, Martha (1823-1912)
Born 1823 Oct 14, died 1912 Mar 28 she is listed in ACDR
but location of burial is unclear. Woodmansee lists place
of burial as Old East Paint Creek. Obit in Allamakee
Journal gives place of burial as Oakland. Her
husband is in Old East but her son and his wife are in
Oakland. Woodmansee lists additional source as Martin
Funeral Home. (R.O.)
Eck, Helene E. (1818-1894 Aug 18)
Eck, Ludvig Engebretson (1847-1892 Mar
Eeg, Thore Engebretson (1821-1899 Nov
The surname spelling of Helene, Ludvig and Thore is Eik.
Helene is also shown in Woodmansee as Helene M. Ingebretson.
Her inscription is: "Helene Marie Ingebretson
Eik". A bio from the 1913 Allamakee co. history book
gives her maiden name as Nelson and indicates she was
married to Thor Engebretson. All three are also listed in
the Woodmansee book with surname Ingebretson.
Evanson, Alba Regina (1885 Aug 18 1939
Jan 18)
Date of death was Jan 11, 1959, as per
her obituary. (LA)
Fields, Minnie G. (1878-1911)
Larson, Minnie Fields (1878-1911)
same woman, Minnie Cornelia (nee Larson) Fields,
w/o Albert M. Fields; d/o Lewis & Mary Larson, Taylor
twp. Allamakee co. (1880 US Census). Minnie died in
Ramsey co. Minnesota (Minnesota Death Index). Albert M.
Fields (1869-1931) may be buried in Spokane, Washington.
(R.O. & S.F.)
Frater, ? (? - 1873 Aug 22)
This is Ann Frater, wife of Archibald
Frater; died in Harper's Ferry, funeral held at Farley,
and she is buried in Fairview Cemetery
in Farley, Dubuque County. She has a gravestone in that
cemetery. (N.G.)
Gabrielson, James Douglas (1946 Oct
08-1964 Nov 12)
James has a gravestone in Belmond cemetery, Belmond,
Wright co. IA. Newspaper death notice and Allamakee Co.
Death Records give funeral & burial at OEPC. His
parents survived him and later removed to Belmond, where
they died and are buried. James' remains may have been
reinterred at Belmond or the gravestone there may be a
cenotaph (R.O.)
Gronlid?, Cornelia (1893 -?)
Gronlid, Thomas A. (1892 Jan 14-1927 Mar
Cornelia 'Clara' (Ehrie) Gronna,
3/27/1893-2/24/1989, is buried in East Paint Synod
cemetery (see Obit board). Her husband, Thomas A.F. Gronna's
burial place given in an obit & in WPA records is
"on the Gronna farm". Death Certificate and
'Woodmansee' indicate he's buried in East Paint Synod
cemetery. Both have a gravestone in East Paint Synod
cemetery. (R.O. & S.F.) The 'Woodmansee' records in
the Synod cemetery don't include Clara since she died
after the book was published.
Gronlid, Anna (1885-1918)
Miles, Anna Gronlid (1885-Nov 17, 1918)
Entries are the same woman, Anna (nee Gronlid)
Miles. Anna Mathilde Gronlid w/o Charles Miles
(1864-?); she's buried in the family plot with her father
& stepmother, Rev. Carl John Gronlid & Nora
Hanson. Anna's mother was Oline Ericksdatter (Lie?
Methus?), death & burial place unknown. Old East
Church records list the death Anna Miles. There is no
record of Charles Miles being buried in Allamakee County.
Guttormson, John Martin (1877 Apr
22-1904 Feb 29)
correct burial place is Old West Paint Creek cemetery
Hanson, Julia (Jan 24, 1893-July 4,
Hunstad, Julia (1893-Jul 4, 1924)
same woman, Julia (nee
Hanson) Hunstad, w/o Leonard Hanson. Julia died
in LaCrosse, WI. Sources: Waukon Democrat &
OEPC Church Records. On the 1920 US census are Leonard
& Julia Hunstad with their young daughter Laurayne
(age 1½), living in Lafayette twp. On the 1925 Iowa
State census Leonard is a widower living with Julia's
sister Abena & her husband Henry Jensen. With Leonard
are his daughters Laurayne (age 6) & Ethel (age 4).
This census gives the name of Laurayne & Ethel's
mother as Julia Hanson, and Abena Jenson's father &
mother as Harold Hanson & Olena Busness. (R.O. &
Hanson, Stella Luella (1897 Dec 27-1965
Sep 02)
Stella Luella (Larson) Hanson, is buried in the East
Paint Synod cemetery, not in OEPC. She and her husband
Albert share a gravestone there Albert is correctly
included on the Synod burials, Stella is not. (R.O.)
Iverson, Iver & Kristi - see below
for Seim
Jeglum, James R.
My father-in-law, James R. Jeglum is buried in the Old
East Paint Creek Lutheran Church Cemetery and NOT in the
East Paint Creek Synod Cemetery. Dates of 1906 Aug 6 to
1985 May 26 are correct. Appears to be a double entry,
more or less. (unsigned)
Johnson, Hanna (1847 Mar 09-1884 Feb 21)
Correct name is Hanna (nee Johnsen) Aas.
She was the w/o Olaus Johnson Aas. (R.O.)
Johnson, Ingebrigt (1840 Jun 12 -1925
May 30)
Ingelbrit Johnson is buried in East Paint Creek Synod
cemetery with his wife Karen. (R.O.)
Johnson, Lars (1864-1943 May 18)
correct burial place is Old West Paint Creek cemetery
Johnson?, Otto Redo (1881 May 09-1910
Jan 19)
This is likely Otto William Redo, rather
than surname Johnson. Woodmansee also lists Otto Redo
with the same dates in OEPC. His gravestone (photo on the
Iowa Gravestone Project), ACDR and an obit in the Allamakee
Journal have the name as Otto Redo. (R.O.)
Kascel, Frank (1867-1889 Jul 12)
correct burial place is Oak Hill (R.O.)
Larson, John (1872-1944 Oct 31)
His obituary in the Nov. 1, 1944 Allamakee Journal
gives dates 12/24/1871-10/29/1944; died in LaCrosse, WI
hospital. (P.M.)
Lea, Emilie (1879-Sep 9, 1940)
Melbye, Emelie (1879-1940)
Same woman, Emilie (nee Melbye) Lea; w/o
Reverand Anton Peter Lea. Sources: Gravestone
inscription, obituary in the Waukon Democrat
& OEPC Church Records. (R.O.)
Added 5/23/17: 2 children of Rev. Lea and his wife Emilie
are also buried in OEPC cemetery: Antoinette Emelie Lea,
who is in the Woodmansee book; and her younger brother
Ambrose Lea, who died after the book was published.
Ambrose's dates are 4/10/1923-9/16/1996. (from Florence
Lea Flaherty)
Leas, James Finley (1863 Sep 13-1904 Apr
His inscription is on the gravestone he shares with his
wife Emma in Evergreen cemetery. Unless his name was
included on the stone as a memorial & is a cenotaph,
he is not buried in OEPC cemetery. (S.F.)
Lybek, Oluf Johannessen (1869 Mar
03-1869 Apr 19)
He's listed in Old West Paint Creek cemetery as Olaus
Johanasen with dates: 1869 Apr 03- 1869 Apr 04.
His correct dates are unknown, and there is no extant
gravestone in either Old East or Old West. (R.O.)
Markwardt, Fred (1841 Jan 14-1923 Mar
Correct burial place is Oak Hill, Lansing (R.O.)
Narum, Karen (1838 -1896 Apr 13)
Narum, S. O. (1831 Jan 10-1889 Apr 03)
Sven O. & Karen Narum are buried in East Paint Creek
cemetery not OEPC. See the cemetery
notes for East Paint Creek cem. for her correct dates.
Nye, George F. (? -1863 Nov 16)
Correct burial place for George B. Nye
(1829-11/16/1863) is Oak Hill, Lansing. Served Co. B,
12th IA Inf., Civil War. (R.O.)
Olson, Hannah (1855-1926)
ACDR and obituary in the Waukon Democrat
indicate burial is in the Waterville cemetery. Woodmansee
lists her in both cemeteries. (R.O.)
Olson, Laura Andrine (1915 May 18 -1915
May 25)
ACDR show her buried in East Paint Creek Synod, a death
notice in the Allamakee Journal does not give
burial place and Woodmansee has her listed in both Old
East Paint Creek & East Paint Creek Synod cemeteries.
She may not have a grave marker. (R.O.)
Pottle, Almeada (1816-1898 Dec 08)
Almeda L. Pottle is buried in Oakland Main
cemetery, where she shares a gravestone with her
husband William. (R.O.)
Schroeder, Harriette Lea
The complete dates of birth and death for my mother are
June 8, 1918 - December 13, 1976. She was one of the
daughters of Anton Peter Lea, a pastor at Old East Paint
Creek prior to 1950. ~contributed by her son, Jon
Seim, Iver H. (1840 Oct 02-1926 Apr 19)
Seim, Kristine Nilsdatte (1846 1883 Jun
Woodmansee lists this couple under both Iverson and Seim.
Their ACDR, obits in the Waukon Democrat and
church records list them with surname Seim. Their
gravestone has surname Iverson.
Apparently they were known as Seim, but are buried with
the name Iverson. (R.O.)
Smith, Matilda (1838-1867 Aug 15)
Correct burial place is Oak Hill where she has a
gravestone engraved with dates 08/28/1838 - 08/15/1867.
Stillman, Albert R. (died 1870 Aug 13)
Albert Randolph Stillman is buried in Oakland
Main cemetery, not OEPC. Dates on his stone are
3/31/1869-8/13/1870. He was s/o Linus R. & Mary G.
The Woodmansee book also correctly lists him in Oakland.
Strunk, B. H. (1810 Oct 02 - 1868 Apr
Correct burial place is Old Oak Hill.
Gravestone: Barney H. Strunk, died Apr 10, 1868 Aged 57y
6m 8d (R.O.)
Tolstad, Peter (1823-1897 Mar 08)
Correct surname is Kolstad, and correct
burial place is Old West Paint Creek cemetery. Name on
gravestone is Petter P. Kolstad. (R.O.)
Thoresten, Tollef (1844 Apr 09 - 1909
Jun 11)
Correct surname is Thorsten and correct
burial place is Oak Hill cemetery, where he shares a
gravestone with Mary Thorsten. Dates on stone: 1842-1909.
Thorsten, Gundersen (1818 Feb 13-1902
Sep 03)
The surname is Gunderson, ie: Tosten Gunderson. On the
1900 census, Center Township Tosten Gunderson is born Feb
1818 Norway, emmigrated 1877, widowed and a shoemaker. He
is the father in law of Lars T. Christianson.
-contributed by Larissa Reutgen
West Paint Creek Cemetery notes
page 423-433 * 434-446
Andersdatter, Birgitte (1850-1874 Oct
Undebaassen, Bridget (1850 Feb 21 - 1874
Oct 01)
Both entries are the same woman. Her gravestone is
engraved Birgit Andersdatter Underaassen.
Anderson, Albert M. (1884 Oct 25 - 1925
Dec 01)
Anderson, John M. (1866 Nov 24-1926 Dec
Anderson, Martin (1836 Jan 11 - 1926 Feb
They are all buried in the West Paint Creek Synod
cemetery, where each has a gravestone. (R.O.)
Anderson, Mabel S. (died 1954 Dec 12) -
see Mabel Sanderson below
Braekke - The following may have also
used the surname Peterson in America. I believe they all
came from a region in Norway called Braekke or Brekke.
Braekke, Berit H. (1838 Aug 4-1881 Jan 6)
Braekke, Hans (burial 1877 Feb 15)
Bakke, Ingeborg (1877 Jul 07- 1934 Dec
Correct burial place is West Paint Creek Synod cemetery,
where she shares a gravestone with her husband John P.
Bakke. (R.O.)
Bakkom, Alfred (died 1959 May 14)
Correct burial place is Oakland, St. John's Addition.
Dates on gravestone are 5/8/1890-5/14/1959, buried w/wife
Agnes (Hanson) Bakkom. (R.O.)
Bakkom, Andrew E. (1847 Apr 16-1923 Sep
Given name on gravestone is Andrias E., name on death
certificate is Andrew E. Bakkom.
Bakkum, Erik A. (1815 Oct 05 -1892 May
Surname is spelled Bakkom on gravestone.
Bergh, infant (no dates)
Bergh, Aagot A. (1874 Jul 30-1874 Aug
Bergh, Aagot Sevatson (1852 Feb 23-1874
Jul 31)
Aagot (1874-1874) was the infant daughter of Aagot nee
Sevatson and Andreas Berg. The mother Aagot died the day
after she gave birth to her daughter and the infant about
a week later. They share a gravestone in OWPC, where the
surname is spelled Berg. The entry for
infant Bergh may be a different infant, or may be for
Aagot A. (R.O. & S.F.)
Bergh, O. (1810-1914 Mar 14)
Ole Hansen Bergh 02/13/1810 - 3/14/1904. Source: Allamakee
Journal. (R.O.)
Christianson, Rachel (died 1893 Feb 23)
- see Rachel Larson below.
Note! All Engen notes are from Larissa Reutgen:
Engan, Andres (1818 Dec 03-1874 Apr 12)
Andreas Engen is father of
Gilbert. AKA Albert Engen.
Engan, Gulbrand A. (1849 Mar
05-1938 Feb 26)
Correct spelling Gulbran A. Engen, AKA Gilbert
Engen. DOD on gravestone is 2/25/1938.
He was s/o Andreas/Albert.
Engan, Gilman (1885 Dec 12-1912
Jun 11)
Engen, Gilman (1895-1918 Jun 10)
These entries are for the same man. Correct surname
spelling is Engen. Gilman, s/o Gilbert
& Mary, served in WWI. Correct dates: 12/12/1895
- 06/11/1918. His entries in Navy Casualty
Books, Officers and Enlisted Men, 1917-1918 and in World
War I, “The Great War”: Engen, Gilman -
Fireman, first class U.S.Navy, Minneapolis, Minn.; Died
in Kingston Ave. Hospital Brooklyn, N.Y. on June 11,1918;
Cause of death: diphtheria; Next of kin: Mary Engen,
mother; Waukon, Iowa; Buried in Old West Paint Creek
Engan, Carrie (1822 Mar 17-1912
Jul 08)
Engen, Karen (1822-1912 Jul 08)
Carrie & Karen are the same person; w/o Andreas Engen,
mother of Gilbert. Her gravestone spells her first name
as Caren.
Engan, Juliet (1899-?)
Juliet nee Ehire, is Selmer's wife, she died in 1989;
correct surname spelling is Engen.
Engan, Margaret (1854 Dec 08-1927
May 11)
Name on gravestone is Margit, correct surname spelling is
Engen. She was 2nd w/o Gulbran/Gilbert
-Other family relationships for some of the other Engen's
listed by Woodmansee - Martha Geneva &
Selmer are siblings of Gilman, and children of Gilbert
& Mary Engen. Their gravestones can be view on the Iowa Gravestone Photo Project &
several of their obituaries are posted on the Obituary board.
Falde, Hanna (1838 Mar 26-1879 Jul 29)
This is Hans Falde, with the same dates.
His parents and his son Harald are also buried in OWPC.
Fossum, Amy C. (1910 - ?)
This is Amy Christina (Olson) Fossum, 1910 Nov 17-
2004 Jan 28 (R.O.)
Fossum, Guri (1845 - 1932 Sep 01)
Per gravestone: 01/02/1844 - 11/07/1931. (R.O.)
Foster, J. W. (died 1879 Feb 10)
John W. Foster possibly is buried in May's Prairie
cemetery. No gravestone is extant in either cemetery.
Gaarder, Lars (1853-1938 Sep 26)
Larson, Lars C. (1854-1938)
Same man; 05/05/1854 - 09/26/1938; full name was Lars
Larson Kristianson Fladstulen. There is a obit
for him in the Allamakee Journal and the Waukon
Democrat, and OEPC Church records. Each of these
sources give surname Gaarder, however the name on his
gravestone reads Lars Larson. Woodmansee lists him under
both names. (R.O.)
Gaarder, Larson (1818 Oct 21-1901 Apr
Larson, Christian (1818 Oct 24-1901 Apr
Same man. The date I have for his birth is 03/24/1818. It
is unknown which of these 3 birthdates is accurate.
Grefstad, Knud (no dates)
Woodmansee's remarks with this entry "Buried 1874
Feb 11". The same day a death notice for a 4 or 5
year old child was printed in a Lansing newspaper - in
the notice the child was not named, but most certainly
was Knud. Additional info. is in the death notice
(H. Brainard)
Gulbrandsen, Anton (1830-1878 Aug 02)
Nystuen, Anton C. (1830 Feb 02-1880?)
The same man. Surname on gravestone is Nystuen. DOD is
not on gravestone, rather it indicates his age at death,
perhaps 50 yrs. Gravestone. (R.O.)
Halseth, Durant A. (1867 Aug 15-1907 Apr
Given name is Bernt, rather than Durant.
Correct burial place is West Paint Creek Synod cemetery,
where he has a gravestone. (R.O.)
Halvorson, Martin (1833 - 1889 Nov 11)
A gravestone in Old West is engraved Martin Halvorson
born 8/30/1844 - there is not a DOD
engraved. Also on this stone is Lena Halvorson, with both
DOB & DOD. In the Old East Paint Creek cemetery is a
stone for Martin Halverson d. 11/11/1889, aged 56y.
Correct burial place is most likely in
Old East. (R.O.)
Hanson, Halvor (1809 Jun 14- ?)
No DOD on gravestone. A postem note added to gravestone photo gives 3/6/1910,
but no source. (R.O.)
Hanson, Henry Marcus (1882 Nov 06-1958
Oct 08)
Gravestone, County Death Records & obit in Waukon Republican-Standard
give DOB as 1881 Nov 06. Woodmansee also
lists him under Marcus Hanson w/correct dates &
gravestone is inscribed Marcus Hanson. (R.O.)
Hanson, Johannes 'John' (1847 - 1926 Apr
01) - see John Harrison Lee below
Heunson, Clara (1879 Apr 24-1888 May 19)
Correct surname is Hanson. She is on the
ssa her parents Andrew & Carline. May have had an
individual stone originally. (R.O.)
Hogan, Charles (1922 May 02-1924 Jan 17)
Correct surname is Hagen, is also listed
under Charles Henry Hagen in Woodmansee. (R.O.)
Herman, Alice M. Larson
Larson, Alice M. Sanderson
Same woman. Alice is buried in OWPC with her 1st husband
John Herman (d. 1945). Her 2nd husband was Morris Larson.
Morris Larson was married 3 times: 1st to Alphia
Sanderson, 2nd to Alice (Sanderson) Herman & 3rd to
Arkley Banks. Alphia & Alice had different parents.
Alice's funeral was handled by Martin Funeral Home.
Iverson, Ingeborg (1875-1943 Apr 08)
Buried in Old East Paint Creek cemetery, name on
gravestone is Isabelle Iverson. (R.O.)
Jackson, Joseph R. (1825 Jun 22-1913 Jan
He is buried in St. Joseph's (Paint Rock) cemetery.
Middle initial is 'P' rather than an
'R'. (R.O.)
Jacobson, Jacob (1831 Dec 26-1934 Jan
According to ACDR, and obits in the Allamakee
Journal, Waukon Democrat, & Waukon
Republican-Standard, Jacob died January 2,
1934. He and his wife Anna are also listed under
surname Johnson, which is the name on
their gravestone. See additional notes below for Jacob
& Anna Johnson. (R.O.)
Johanasen, Olaus (1869 Apr 03 - 1869 Apr
The 'additional burials' for the Old East Paint Creek
cemetery name him as Oluf Johannessen Lybek (1869
Mar 03-1869 Apr 19), but also shown as buried in Old West
Paint Creek. The correct dates are unknown, and there is
no extant gravestone in either Old East or Old West.
Johnson, Carrine (1825 May 15-1905 Mar
This is Karine Larsdatter (Pedersen) Lihagen,
w/o Martin Lihagen. She is also listed under Lihagen.
Johnson, Christena (1841 Feb 02 -1922
Dec 30) - see Christina Olson below
Johnson, Elinor J. (1927-?)
Elinor Jeanne Johnson McKee (4/15/1927-3/31/2005) She was
married a second time to (unknown) McKee. The SSDR is for
Elinor McKee but she is buried beside her first husband
Harlan J. Johnson. Their names are both on the same
gravestone. She was d/o William & Signe (Remman)
Kannenberg. (R.O.)
Johnson, Jacob (1931-1934)
Johnson, Anna (1859-1922)
Jacob Johnson was born 12/26/1831, and
died in 1934, being over 100 years old at death. His
gravestone, shared with his wife Anne who was born in 1838
rather than 1859. Sources: gravestone inscription & 99th birthday news article Jan. 1932
Larson, Christian (1818 Oct 24-1901 Apr
Gaarder, Larson (1818 Oct 21-1901 Apr
Same man. Gravestone: Christian Larson 10/24/1818 -
04/16/1901. Same stone as Rakel Larson. (R.O.)
Larson, Lars J. (1850 Nov 26-1926 Nov
Correct burial place is West Paint Creek Synod cemetery.
Larson, Oswald Phileman (1898 Mar 28 -
1934 May 03)
Correct burial place is the Norway Cemetery, rural St.
Olaf, Clayton co. Iowa where he has a gravestone. His
death certificate gives Norway cemetery as burial place,
and likely Woodmansee incorrectly took that to indicate
OWPC. (R.O.)
Larson, Bakel? (1824 Feb 18 - 1893 Feb
Larson, Rachel (1824 Feb 18 - 1893 Feb 23)
Larson, Rachel (1824 - 1893 Feb 23)
Christianson, Rachel (died 1893 Feb 23)
She is listed 4 times in the 'Woodmansee' book. As per
her gravestone in OWPC, her correct name is Rakel
C. Larson. Her inscription is on the same
gravestone as Christian Larson (R.O.)
Lee, John Harrison (1847 Jul 29 - 1926
Apr 01)
Hanson, Johannes 'John' (1847 - 1926 Apr
Same man, name on his death certificate is John Hanson
Lee; and on his gravestone is Johanes Hanson. Also from
death cert.: wife was Carrie Sveen/Sven, and his father
was Hans Glabakken. Carrie shares a gravestone with her
husband, her name shown as Karen M. on the stone &
her death certificate. (R.O. & S.F.)
Lier, Otto Johanneson (1906 May 05 -
1906 May 05)
Correct burial place may be Oakland- St. John
addition, where his Woodmansee entry is spelled Otto
Leer. ACDR and the original Paint Creek church records
spell his surname as Lier, which is likely correct. An
obit or gravestone have not been discovered. (R.O.)
Liehagen, Martin J. (1838 Feb 13-1925
Mar 26)
Correct spelling of surname is Lihagen.
Martin Johnson Lihagen was h/o Karine Petersen. They
share a gravestone. (R.O.)
Lippe, Anna (1890 -1926 Feb 13)
Anna Mathilda (Forsley) Lippe, 12/6/1889 - 2/12/1926 per
death certificate, although her gravestone gives year of
birth = 1890. See also Gustave Teppe notes below. (R.O.)
Olson, Christina (1840 Feb 02 -1922 Dec
Death certificate of Christena Olson gives dates as in
the Woodmansee book. Widow of Asle Olson; her parents:
Knute Peterson & Ingaborg Knudtson. Another entry in
the Woodmansee book for Christena Johnson with the same
dates is more than likely an error, but needs
additional research. (R.O.)
Olson, Halvor (1817 Jul 02-1893 May 24)
Surname on gravestone is Osterholdt. DOB
on stone 06/02/1817, rather than July 2. Shares the stone
w/wife Anne. (R.O.)
Osterhus, Clint Russell (1972 May 02
-1972 May 05)
Correct burial place is Bethany Lutheran Cemetery, West
Union, Fayette co. IA. Dates on gravestone are
5/2/1972-5/2/1972. (R.O.)
Pederson, Karine (1846-1887 Nov 28)
She is buried in Oakland cemetery. Wife of Holvor
Peterson (1847-1931), who is also buried Oakland (St.
John's Addition). Name on gravestone is Kone Karine
Pederson. (R.O.)
Ro, Nils Tholefsen (1814-1861 Sep 24)
Nils Tollefson Roe is buried in Old
East Paint Creek cemetery and has a gravestone
there. Norway church records give DOB 2/1/1813, but
gravestone gives 2/2/1814. DOD is correct. He was my
ggg-grandfather - contributed by Dawn Heimer (1/23/24)
Rood, Norman Walter (1908 Jul 04-1924
Sep 24)
Correct burial place is West Paint Creek Synod cemetery.
Sanderson, Elling (1809-1894 Sep 30)
Sanderson, Kari (1813 Nov 11-1902 Aug
The gravestone of this couple is engraved with surname Mehus.
Dates on the stone: Elling S. (04/26/1807-10/07/1893),
Kari (10/16/1813-08/25/1902). Sanderson may have been his
Norwegian name. They are also listed in Woodmansee under
Mehus. (R.O.)
Sanderson, Mabel Sando (1896 Aug 29 -
1954 Dec 12)
Anderson, Mabel S. (died 1954 Dec 12)
Correct surname is Sanderson. Woodmansee
notes for Mabel indicate "No Marker" but her
inscription is on a a gravestone with her husband Otto
and son Oswald. (R.O.)
Selmine, Arthur Marcus
Selmine, Jeanette
Selmine, John C.
The correct surname is Gulrud. Arthur M.
& John C. are also listed correctly by Woodmansee. See gravestone photo. (R.O.)
Sevatson, Aagot Bergh (1852 Sep 23 -1874
Jul 31) - see Aagot Bergh notes above
Sevatson, Smit Andreas (1874 Jul 30
-1874 Aug 08) - see Aagot Bergh notes above
Smeby, Edwin (1868 Feb 07-1940 Dec 20)
Smeby, John (1865 Feb 07-1940 Dec 19)
These are the same man, Edwin John Smeby,
02/07/1868-12/20/1940. (R.O.)
Smeby, Kartha (1907- ?)
Kartha Salome Narum Smeby Hastings b.12
Jun 1907 d.11 Mar 2001 in Willow Springs, Missouri. She
married 1st Theodore Roland Smeby and 2nd Chester E.
Hastings. Chester is buried in the Oakland 1920 Addition,
Waukon. He died 1 Sep 1979. Kartha is buried with her
first husband Theodore Smeby. Kartha's obituary. (L.R.)
Smith, Thomas A. (1794 -1874 Mar 25)
He is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery with his wife Beulah.
There is a gravestone for him in Oak Hill. (P.M.)
Sveen, Oluf (1867-1934 Jul 31)
Swain, Oluf J. (1870-1950)
Surname on gravestone is Swain. Original
spelling of his family name was Sveen. Date of death
varies with source: ACDR (1867 Feb 21-1934 Jul 29).
Obits: Allamakee Journal 1934 Jul 30); Waukon
Democrat and Waukon Republican-Standard
(1934 Jul 31). He shares a gravestone with his wife
Andrine (1870-1951). The 'Woodmansee' entry for Oluf J.
Swain 1870-1950 likely is an error, and it is actually
for Andrine. She is also correctly listed by
'Woodmansee'. (R.O.)
Talleverson, Bridget (1803-1889 Nov 04)
Tollefson, Birgith (1804-1889)
These are the same woman, Birgith Tollefson, wife of
Knudt. They share a gravestone in OWPC which has
1804-1889 engraved as her dates. (R.O.)
Teppe, Gustave (1889 Dec 06- 1926 Feb
Correct surname is Lippe. Shares a
gravestone with his wife Anna Mathilda nee Forsley, who
is on the OWPC burial list. Gustave's dates from
gravestone are 1882-1948. (R.O.)
Termingen, Andrine (1840-1920 May 24)
Same person as Andrine Hanson, d/o Nils
Hansen (shown in Woodmansee as Nels Termingen), and w/o
Gilbert Hanson. (R.O.)
Thompson, Eric (1843 -1922 Aug 17)
Correct burial place is Oakland (main)
cemetery, Waukon. Woodmansee also lists him in the burial
list of that cemetery; death certificate & obituary
in the Waukon Democrat also indicate Oakland cemetery.
Death certif. states DOB unknown & he was "about
69" years old at death. (R.O.)
Usgaard, Erik (1868-1869)
Usgaard, Isabella (1827 Sep 01-1898 Dec
Usgaard, Peder (1825-1870)
See Usgaard in the West
Paint Creek Synod cemetery notes
Paint Creek Church Records
Church records
Gladbakken, Andreas Hansen (1841-1900
Sep 29)
Burial is in Old West Paint Creek
cemetery. Gravestone is engraved Andrew Hanson,
and is shared with his wife Caroline & 3 children.
Other records give conflicting burial places:
'Woodmansee' lists him in East Paint Synod and Old West
Paint Creek; ACDR give burial in Paint Creek; and obit in
the Lansing Mirror states the funeral was from West Paint
Creek church.
Hansenmoen, Peder (?-1870)
See Peder Usgaard in the West Paint Creek Synod cemetery
Lybek, Oluf Johannessen (1869 Mar 03 -
1869 Apr 19)
The 'additional burials' name him as Oluf Johannessen
Lybek (1869 Mar 03-1869 Apr 19), but
also shown as buried in Old West Paint Creek as
Johanasen, Olaus (1869 Apr 03 - 1869 Apr 04). The correct
dates are unknown, and there is no extant gravestone in
either Old East or Old West. (R.O.)