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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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eighty acres in Richmond township, upon which he lived for ten years. In January, 1909, he bought his present place, which consists of two hundred acres on sections 12, 13 and 14, Nevada township, and engages in general farming. He owns one of the valuable farms in that township and keeps a good grade of stock. The improvements upon his farm are kept in repair and the fields reward his careful supervision by an abundant harvest, which always commands good prices.

Mr. Tichenor was married on the 17th of March, 1891 to Miss Hattie Whittaker, who was born in Nevada township in 1867, a daughter of Thomas Whittaker. They hold membership in the United Evangelical Association. Ever since attaining his majority Mr. Tichenor has been identified with the republican party. He always takes an active interest in local politics and during his residence in Richmond township served for four years as township assessor, while he is at present filling the office of township clerk in Nevada township. He is highly regarded in the community where he lives, is a public-spirited man and always gives his support to every measure that will prove of public benefit. Both he and his wife have many friends, to whom they extend the hospitality of their pleasant home.


Charles G. Vasey, of the firm of Vasey Brothers, dealers in lumber, coal and agricultural implements at Collins, by his active and honorable business life is well entitled to representation in this volume. He was born in Peoria, Polk county, Iowa, September 17, 1873, a son of William and Anna (Oxley) Vasey, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume.

Mr. Vasey acquired his early education in the district schools and later attended the Collins high school, graduating in the first class that completed the course in that institution. He then entered the Capital City Commercial College, from which he was graduated in 1896, securing a practical business education, which has been of great benefit to him in his contact with the world. He began his business career in the bank at Maxwell and later was connected with both banks at Collins. For two terms he made a test of his talents as a school teacher but found the work uncongenial, and being attracted to mercantile pursuits in February, 1898, he purchased from S. A. Rush the Collins lumberyard, two years later taking into partnership a younger brother, Arthur A. The business is conducted under the title of Vasey Brothers, and they have secured an extensive patronage, the concern being recognized as one of the most successful in Story county.

In June, 1902, Mr. Vasey was united in marriage to Miss Grace King, a daughter of William King, of Collins, and by this union one child, Harold

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