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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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Mr. Frowick purchasing a farm south. of Huxley, in Palestine township, Story county, Iowa, upon which he resided until 1872. He then sold his place and bought land in another locality in the same township, which became the family homestead. Here he continued until his death, which occurred in 1901. The mother was called away in 1907. They were both faithful members of the Lutheran church and had many friends in Palestine township.

Ole L. Frowick was the only son of his parents and was reared under highly favorable conditions for a useful life. He attended the public schools and when not occupied with his books assisted in the work of the fields. After reaching manhood he still continued upon the home farm, which he purchased in 1898. It is situated on sections 21, 28 and 29, Palestine township, comprising originally two hundred and eighty acres, to which he has added by purchase, so that the farm now includes three hundred and fourteen acres and is a highly pleasing feature of the landscape. It is under thorough cultivation and yields excellent harvests each year.

Mr. Frowick gives his support to the republican party but official honors have never had any attraction for him as his interest is centered in his business, to which he devotes his best energies. His religious faith is expressed by membership in the Lutheran church, to which he is a liberal contributor. A representative farmer of the county, he has attained a goodly measure of prosperity, and it requires no prophet to foretell for him a successful future.


Frank Nickerson Fowler, county treasurer of Story county, is one of the best known men of central Iowa. He has been for twenty-five years a resident of the state and in business, political and social affairs has achieved a distinct success. He was born at Searsport, Maine, June 11, 1858, a son of Major James N. and Mary Ellen (Wentworth) Fowler. He comes of good Scotch and English ancestry, members of the family on both sides of the house having served most creditably in the patriot army during the Revolutionary war. The founders of the Fowler family in America crossed the ocean with the Pilgrim Fathers and the mother of our subject claimed the Carvers among her ancestors and was also a descendant of the Curial family of Scotland.

James N. Fowler was educated in the common schools of the Pine Tree state and began his business career as an apprentice to a merchant tailor, also learning the haberdashery business. The male members of the family were largely sea captains and John Fowler, the father of James N., after retiring from the sea, opened a haberdashery store at Searsport, with

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