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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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Cambridge, he began on his own account in the mercantile business under title of O. M. Johnson & Company, selling out six years later in order to accept a position at Sheldahl under the employ of Oley Nelson, formerly senior member of the firm of Nelson & Ersland. In the summer of the same year Mr. Nelson removed his business to Slater and Mr. Johnson went with him, continuing until 1894, when he rented Mr. Nelson's elevator at Slater and became identified with the grain business, purchasing the elevator in 1903. In 1904 Mr. Johnson bought from John Valland his elevator and lumber yard at Huxley and since that time has been one of the leading men of business in the community.

In 1879 Mr. Johnson was united in marriage to Miss Alice Larson, a native of Norway, who located in Illinois in 1867 and came to Story county, Iowa, in 1875. Eight children have blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, four of whom are now living, namely : Joseph, now superintendent of the city playgrounds of Dayton, Ohio; Rebecca, a teacher of music in the Jewell Lutheran College; Martin, cashier of the Farmers Savings Bank of Alleman, Iowa; and Lennie, now attending the Jewell Lutheran College.

Mr. Johnson is a man who fearlessly follows his convictions in political matters and having observed the evil effects of the saloon he is a stanch advocate of prohibition. That his neighbors have great confidence in his judgment is evinced by the fact that he is now serving his third term as mayor of Huxley and for six years past has been a valued member of the school board, having assisted very materially in the erection of the new school building. He and his wife are consistent members of the Lutheran church. He has from the beginning of his career been remarkably energetic and wide-awake, and whatever rewards he has achieved have come to him as the result of his own well directed efforts.


Nevada has been signally favored in the class of men who have filled her public offices, for on the whole they have been practical business men who have brought to the discharge of their official duties the same keen insight and spirit of enterprise which characterizes their conduct of private interests. In a history of those whose records have been creditable and beneficial to the city mention should be made of William Gates, who is now Nevada's chief executive and one whose ability and fidelity are strongly manifest by the fact that he is now serving in the office for the fifth term.

He was born in Ireland, on the 17th of March, 1842, and is a son of John and Katharine (Conigan) Gates, who were likewise natives 'of the Emerald isle but in 1845 sailed for Canada, establishing their home at Niagara-on-the-Lake. They brought with them their five children, but the

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