I recieved a series of CD's years ago on my great-grandfather's brother Daniel. It wasn't until recently that I re-discovered these CD's and looked at them. I'm glad I did. I wish that the envelope and letter that came with the CD's were still together with them. I don't know who sent me the information. Provided by Jan Jones Bony
Daniel was born July 5, 1851, the 3rd child of David John (1831-1857) and Margret (Jenkins) John (1832-1893). Siblings are: Maria (1846-1872), Samuel (1848-1918), Thomas (1854-1911), Hannah (1856-1927). What an amazing year this gentleman spent in 1872-1874.
Frostburg, Maryland
Des Moines, Iowa
July 5, 1872 - July 4, 1873
Transcribed from Original Document
JULY 5, 1872
This book was bought of Levy Toefrer on this 5th of July 1872 by me, Daniel Jones for the purpose of assisting the memory to remember and refer back to past years, for anything of importance that would have any connection to me; or anything of importance whatsoever. Being as this is my birthday, and the 21st for me, in which I do arive (sic) at the period of manhood, so I do not think it improper for me to take a day’s rest. I do not have a large state of savings at this age is true, for a great fear to be merry in, but through all that, I reackon (sic) that this is a day of importance to me, to commence to do my duty more perfect that before, for the reason that I am now a man in age enough to judge for myself, and though small in figure must stand or fall on my own ground, and nobody responsible for it but myself.
Furthermore, I have lived 21 years on the Lord’s earth, which is at the furthest calculation one-third of my time, and perhaps more than the half of it, without preparing but very little toward an Eternal life, which is to be spent in misery or joy. In order to try and keep as near as possible to this, I thought it necasssary (sic) to keep account of all my actions, and transactions in every respect: for this reason I bought this book, which will answer the purpose well. This morning, I dressed, went uptown at 8 am, stopped there till 12 noon and had my picture taken by Mr. George Brown. Received a letter from Mr. William Lewis, my Cousin of Glyncorrwg. Bought a quire of paper for 25 cents, this book for 75 cents and a game stopped helped them to pack up until 12:20 then left them for home. It was a beautiful night.
AUGUST 21, 1872: Worked all day. At 7 pm went uptown. At 7:30 the Library meeting commenced. Chairman Mr. Humphrey: Judge of the Signing: Miss Joanna Easdy. It proved successful.
AUGUST 22, 1872: All the talk is the Circus. Worked ¾ , quit at 3 pm. Yesterday a whole crowd left for the old county. Amongst them, Gomer Williams, who took a small parcel for me to Maria, my sister – worth $4.00. At 7 pm, some went uptown. Received a letter from my brother, Samuel. Went to church to class meeting instead of to the circus.
AUGUST 23, 1872: Worked all day. Made 12 trips; quit at 5 pm
AUGUST 24, 1872: Worked ¾, quit 3 pm. This evening, June Prichard’s Daughter was buried. Brought a plate of Ice Cream – worth 10 cents, shaved 10 cents, 5 cents for. The whole amount 25 cents.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 1872: At 9 am, went to the practice at Zeph’s house. At 10 am, went to church. Mr. William Humphrey preached in English, as usual. At 2 pm, went to the German Reformed Church. After eating supper, we went to church at 6 pm. Mr. Humphrey preached in Welch. For me to have one another, for that is our duty.
SEPTEMBER 30, 1872: Worked all day – made 12 trips. Quit at 4:45 pm. Worked this month 27 ¾, but there is ½ day left since last month. Today, another fight took place between two partners of the Presbyterian Choir. Thomas Evans wanted to fight John Thomas, that one suffered for awhile, but at last agreed to fight, at that time, he retreated, and didn’t say no more.
OCTOBER 1, 1872: Went to work as usual, worked ½ day. Dinnertime, Evans and Crook came down to the stable, said that they had quit and was preparing to go away tomorrow. When I heard this, I quit right away at once, went and had my time, which was 22 days. I took this to Mr. Joseph’s Store, had his name assigned to it, and then took it to Mr. James Thomas, Superintendent, had his name assigned to it and gave it to Mr. Koch to take down to Lavige and have it cashed. At 9:00 several of my friends came to bid me goodbye.
Coalfield till late in the evening. There was no convenient place to sit there. So we went to the Baggage Room and slept there like Hogs. We started for Coalfield on foot. At 6:30 am had breakfast in Eddyville. At 8 – paid 40 cents for it, then started for Coalfield, which is about four miles from Eddyville. Arrived at Mr. William Phillips Bank at 9:00 am. Went to see the vein, which is about 10 inches. Went all around with Mr. Phillips to see the coal, he’d in great want of super and another team man. Offered Yes, right away. Left to commence Wednesday 9th of October. At 12 went and had boarding at the Boarding House, had dinner right away. At 8 pm, went down to Eddyville to be in the Company of Mr. William Phillips. Had a liberal offer thru them. Reached 4:30 in Eddyville. “If I would want to build a house on his ground, he would give me a ¼ of an acre; for nothing, and deed for it.” Bought a set of tools and a shovel and a pick for 50 cents and a lamp of 20 cents, paid for coming up to Coalfield with the cars 35 cents if I had bought a ticket.
(Text does not follow previous page, Question whether or not there is another page before this one).
DECEMBER 1, 1872: At 10:00, Mr. Williams, from Pennsylvania preached from Hebrews 5th Chapter. At 2 pm, went out as far as David’s house. At 6 pm, went to church, Mr. Williams preached from John 8th chapter.
DECEMBER 2: Loaded 8 cars.
DECEMBER 3: Loaded 5 cars.
DECEMBER 4: Loaded 8 cars.
DECEMBER 5: Loaded 6 cars.
DECEMBER 6: Loaded 3 cars.
DECEMBER 7: Loaded 8 cars. At 6:30 p.m. went to Oskaloosa, returned at 9 pm.
DECEMBER 8: At 10 am, went to church. (Cut off). At 2 pm, went to Sunday School # 81. After singing school at 6, Mr. (illegible) preached in English from John 1st and the 1st Verse.
MONDAY DECEMBER 9, 1872: Loaded 2 cars. At 6:30, went to Beacon. Received a letter from Samuel, my brother informing me of the death of Maria, our Sister, which took place on November 15, 1872 at 11 pm. There is one left of five. It is hard to say who will be next. After supper, went to Beacon to post a book for Samuel – entitled “Hannes Cymer America,” a letter in which was a neck ribbon for Hannah. Postage for the book – 36 cents, for the letter – 2 cents, one for 6 cents, and one for J. Slenelyn – 68 cents. Whole amount 87 cents. Received a letter from Hannah.
CHRISTMAS DAY, DECEMBER 25, 1872: Got up at 8 am. Had breakfast at 8:30. Wrote a letter to William Lewis (Cousin) Glyncorrwg. At 2:30, had dinner. At 3 pm, went to the exhibition at the Church at Beacon. We had recitation, singing and some dialogues. Chairman Mr. Jones Lewis, William Engles, three girls played on the organ. Mr. David leading the choir. At 6 pm, we had the second meeting, this was better than the first, although the first was good. A large congregation was dismissed in a gregarious manner, At 9:20. had supper at 10. went to bed at 1 am.
DECEMBER 26: Went to fetch our tools from Berdes Bank, and then went to look for a job at the Shaft, but did not secure employment. Took the cars at Beacon for Pella at 4:30 pm. Arrived at Pella at 6 pm. The snow was about 6 inches thick in some places and less in others, very cold. Pella is reasonable wide city, covers great deal of land. There are several well-sized Churches there. The largest part of the people are Holland Dutch. We traveled through to the northwest direction, and after awhile was on our way to the Coal Bank. Arrived there at 4pm. Only one house there was to the miners and that was a boarding house – 7 stories high. The family was seven, besides the Boarders. Did not like the place at all. Went into the slope and found it to be a very thin vein, not exceeding a yard anyhow. Concluded, that we would not work there. Returned toward the depot, started from there with the freight at 6:10, arrived at 8:10 had supper and went to bed.
DECEMBER 27, 1872: Got up at 7 am. Had breakfast right away. At 9:00 went over to Burks’ Bank to look for a job, but did not have any. Returned from there to Ben Evans’ Bank and had a promise there in the course of a few days. Was in to see it, but did not like it. We went from there to Dan Logue’s Bank. Plenty of sale for the coal, but no horses. A very cold day this day again. Returned home, had dinner at 12. At 2 pm, started for Given Station. Arrived at 3:30 and went to see the bank and liked it very well. Starting of the solid, in general. Did not like the place outside at all. There is but one store there, and about half a dozen houses. Started home at 4:10, arrived at 5:30, had supper right away. Went to bed at 11 pm.
DECEMBER 28: Got up at 7 am. Had breakfast right away. Received pay of J. Burn as $52.00, had received pay of $74.00 before. Due between us $66.00. Paid $3.25 to Davis and Bear. Bought a cap of Mr. Jones O.C. $1.30. Received $14.00 of Morgan Thomas, which made us fair and square. Had promise of work in two places, one in Pella and the other in Given. Here it is a week gone by without doing, but the next thing to nothing; but walking around through the snow and spending money without making any improvements at all hardly in any respects. 7
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1872: Got up at 7:30 am. Had breakfast at 8 am. Went to Church at 10. Mr. Turner preached from the words. “To teach me to number my days” II Psalms. Went to dinner with Rees Price. Went to school 2 pm #27. At 6, went to Church Prayer meeting. Stopped for the Class meeting – the first in Beacon. Made a resolution in my mind that I would spend the next year in a different way to the last and try to improve a little on my habits. Throw away the bad ones and form new ones. Had a few good advices of several brethren in the class meeting. Learned that it is better to strive against the worst.
DECEMBER 30, 1872: At 12 Noon, started from my Boarding House for the Depot. Had Burks’ team to take our baggage for 25 cents. Paid for the board for a week and 6 meals $5.45 - all that was due. Paid to Davis for a rope 5 cents, for a ticket $2.80, for baggage 50 cents. Started from Beacon at 1:15 pm for Des Moines. Arrived there at 4 pm. Went around a little of the city. Returned back to the depot and had board at the Given House. Had supper at 5:40 pm – One potato, a small portion of sausage, a little plate of sauerkrauts, a little loaf and a few peaches, about half a meal together, price 50 cents. After supper, took a walk through town and across the Des Moines River. Returned back at 4:30. Bought a pair of overshoes for $2.25. Returned to our Boarding House and sat down for over an hour doing nothing. Paid $1.50 for supper, bed and breakfast. Went to bed at 9 pm.
Our bedroom was up in the third story. A first rate apartment. Floor Carpeted, a sofa and a few chairs and a good bed. Slept tolerable. The Engines on the Rock Island Railroad disturbing now and then. Got up at 6:30, had breakfast at 7 am. We left right away after breakfast to look for work. Had work at the first place we went to. We went down to look at it and liked it very well, blasting off the solie (sig). Went from there to look for board, had it with some old folks, nobody but themselves. We liked the place very well. Then we went for our baggage. Had it taken up for 60 cents. Had dinner at 1 pm in our new Boarding house. After dinner went back to town again. Bought a pen holder for 85 cents. Had a shave for 15 cents. Returned back to our boarding house at 4:30. Had supper at 6 pm. Wrote three letters: one to Joseph Louge, one to Jonah Davis and one to Mosses Evans. Went to bed at 9:20. Very cold at first.
MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1873: Went to work at 7 am. Loaded 10 cars, then quit at 4 pm. Had half gallon of ice cream.
TUESDAY, MARCH 4th: Went to work at 7 am. Worked all right through till noon, when the powder smoke commenced to disturb us. Morgan went out and I stepped into load the turn. Loaded all together 18 cars. Had a headache very bad through the evening.
MARCH 5th: Went to work at 7 am. Loaded 12 cars. Quit at 2:30 pm.
MARCH 6TH: Got up at 4:30. At 9, went to the Union Prayer Meeting in the Central Church. Mr. Hammond spoke and several prayed; and a good many were converted. We had first run time there the meeting lasted till 11:20. At 6 pm, went to church after the Central Church was crowded so we had to go to the Baptist Church. The house was crowded, the service was held without Mr. Hammond until 9 pm. He came in there, then spoke a few words and returned. We left at 9:30 pm and went home in Miss Anne Jones’ Company for the first time. Many was converted this night, more than any other night since Mr. Hammond is here. Sent a due letter to John Henry F.
Monday, March 10: At 9 am, went to the Prayer meeting. Had a very good meeting.
MARCH 11: Went to work to John Star. Loaded 6 cars, quit at 6. WEDNESDAY MARCH 12th: Loaded 6 cars.
MARCH 13th: Loaded 8 cars.
MARCH 14th: Loaded 6 cars.
MARCH 15th: Loaded 4 cars. Quit at 4 pm. Received of pay for 1807 bushels (free of expenses) - $74.38. Divided $37.14, Tonight squared up all back accounts – He paid me $6.00 This made my Pay $93.00. Paid for board to Mr. ___________ wife for washing 35 cents. Bought of Mr. Durand a scarf for $1.30. A white shirt for $2.50, a box of collars 25 cents, a necktie 25 cents, elastic 15 cents, a shirt 40 cents. Whole amount $5.00.
SUNDAY, MARCH 16: Went to the Congregational Choir. Mr. Fritz preached from the 18th Chapter of Luke. At 2 pm, went to Sayloville. This is a small town. no Hottell in it at all, a few groceries. Went down to see the oil well about a mile from the town, which was discovered a few days ago. Had supper in a dwelling house for 20 cents each. Started back at 5, reached Des Moines at 6 pm. Did not go to Church.
MONDAY, APRIL 7th: No flats. Went to work at 7, quit at 12, had no cars at all. Had a Keg of powder 4.25. APRIL 8th: Went to work at 7 am, worked till 1 pm. Loaded 3 cars. I came home, Morgan stopped in. Snowing very hard today.
APRIL 9th: Went to work at 7 am. Loaded 3 cars. Quit at Noon. At 1 pm, went to the Prayer Meeting. There were not many there, but we had a good meeting, concluded by Mr. Osgood. I got up to speak for the first time in Des Moines.
APRIL 10th: Went to work at 7 am. Loaded 4 cars. Quit at 4pm. Posted a letter to Samuel and one for Mr. Thomas.
APRIL 11th: Went to work at 7 am. Loaded 3 cars, quit at 5 pm. Went to Mrs. Walkers. Mrs. Magie Walkers played on the piano several good pieces.
APRIL 12th: Morgan went to work and I stayed at home. At 2:15, went downtown with Susana, Miss Pardee was having her picture taken before going away. At 5 pm, received pay of $45.00. Paid Godd $16.00 for board up to the 12th, $1.00 for washing. Skinned my thigh and tried to walk by staff in company of Miss Chinward and Miss Pardee.
THURSDAY, MAY 1st, 1873: Went to work at 7am. Loaded 7 cars, Morgan went home sick at noon. I worked till 5:30.
FRIDAY, MAY 2nd: Went to work at 7 am. Morgan at home sick. Loaded 5 cars.
SATURDAY, May 3rd: Went to work, both of us loaded 5 cars, quit at 2 pm. At 6, went to town and had a shave. Received a letter from William P. Prichard, Georgetown, Clear Creek County, Colorado Territory, and one from Eliza Howels. At 7 pm, went to the G. F. Lodge. Returned home at 9 pm. Went to bed at 11 pm.
SUNDAY, MAY 4th, 1873: Got up at 6:30 am. Went for a walk as far as a mile east. At 8, had breakfast. At 10 am, went to church. It was communion day and there were about 50 people received to the Church as members anew. Went to Sabbath School. No teacher for us, so one of the class took it. Don’t enjoy myself as well as when Miss Davis was teaching. At 6:30, went for a walk east with Miss C. Returned at 9 pm. Then went to bed at 11 pm.
24 is vacant. Returned home at 11 am. Had dinner at 1 pm. At 3 pm, took a walk toward north, returned home at 5pm. Did not go to church nor school during the whole day.
MONDAY, JUNE 2: Went to work at 8. Loaded 11 cars. Quit at 4. JUNE 3rd: Went to work at 8 am. Loaded 5 cars. Quit at Noon.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4th: Went to work at 8 am. Air very bad. Worked till noon. Helped Mr. Bullman to move to his new store. 10
Thursday, June 5th: Went to work at 8 am. Loaded 7 cars, quit at 4:00 pm. Had supper at 7 pm. Went to bed at 11 pm. Received pay of $38.00.
Friday, June 6, 1873: Went to work at 8 am. Loaded 7 boxes. Quit at 4:20 pm.
Saturday, June 8th: Went to work at 8 am. Loaded 7 boxes to pay for entering the Union – 4 more due me or 16 altogether, between $2.00 and $5.00 a piece. Quit at 4pm. Had supper at 7 pm and went up to D. E. Thomas. Had a regular chat of Old Country. Returned home at 10:30 pm, tired. This evening, received a letter from Susie Chinaworth, Des Moines and answered it.
SUNDAY, JUNE 8TH: Got up at 6:30 am. Had breakfast at 7. At 8, five of us took a walk out to the woods and there were beasts. And some drunken men in the room talking nonsense and so forth… Very irregular in my opinion. No grips, or digs or passwords or anything hardly there. Dismissed in at an irregular way at 9:30.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18TH: No air for to work in the mines so I took to my job today. Again worked dizzy all day and the sun very warm, made the sweat drop off of me.
THURSDAY, 19TH: Got up at 6:30. Had breakfast at 7 am. This day again the same as the preceding days in this week – no work – I spent the morning rather miserable for I could see the results of not working. At 3 pm, had a job to wheel a car of coal from the Welsh Bank to the house. Went over, when the Welsh Shaft took fire. Several gathered around to help to put it out, and everybody did put out all the strength they possessed and we soon mastered it. Everyone was wet with water or sweat though before we got it down. I ran over and changed my wet clothes and then was all right again. Ate supper, but with very little appetite. Harris sent for a gallon of whiskey and in a short time after, for a keg of beer. There was a big crowd there then and some sitting by the ____________.
SUNDAY, June 22nd 1873: Got up at 6am. The first sight I seen was men drinking and commencing their spree. Had breakfast at 6:30. Took a walk up to Mr. Thomas house, was not well. Had a dose of red pepper and it made me feel better. Enjoyed myself and them very well till about 11, where I returned home with tender feelings toward Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. At 2 pm, went to the S. G. in the Lewis house Number 17. At 4:30 went to the Prayer Meeting. At 10:30 retired.
MONDAY, JUNE 23RD: No work. Spent the time loafing around doing nothing hardly but reading.
Tuesday, June 24: About 5:30 pm, I heard a knock at my door, with words that a man was down wanting to see me. I thought that there was mischief in the wind, so I put my revolver in my breast pocket and down I went. And there was a man wanting 6 hands to work on the harvest at 3:00 pm. At 3 pm, went to Bellville with the Cars. Bought 2 pairs of shoes and elastic sides for Sunday for $2.50 and slippers to wear about the house - $1.00. Spent all together $3.75. Walked home. Had some rain. July 3, 1873: Got up at 6:00 am. Had breakfast at 7 and went to work in the mines at 8:00. Loaded 6 cars. Quit at Noon. Got pay this evening. Due to me ½ of 4 cars at 65 cents per car and ½ of $2.40, since last pay. Whole amount $3.75. Received for 5 ½ hours working harvest - $13.75. Total $17.50 for the two weeks. Paid 75 cents to Mr. Bullman. Paid for 7 days board, due 4th of July, 20 cents for beets. Total: $4.75.
July 4th, 1873: Got up at 6, had breakfast at 6:30. Bought a clothes brush for 50 cents. 40 cents for tickets, 10 cents for a shave, 75 cents for two gem pictures. 30 cents for dinner, 25 cents for keats, 50 cents for Circus Tickets. 5 cents for a glass of lemonade. 20 cents for 2 plates of ice cream, 5 cents for candy, 5 cents for a glass of soda. 5 cents for lemonade, 50 cents for a raffle. Whole amount $3.70. Paid out of this pay $12.65. Have on hand $3.10. Worked 223.5 days in this last year. Earned $458.89. Storage per month - $38.00 and an average of about $1.25 per day.
My heart tho breaking, When thinking of you, Love. I must fare away Dear from you, And leave my gentle Dove. My Love, how can I leave you and go so far away? But my heart will still be with you, though many miles away. My Love, will you prove faithful? Though severed for some time. If months be gone and us apart, May I hope to call thee mine? My Love, you’ve promised to take and become my bride. Oh, I hope you’ll never forget me, For you are my only bride. You say, I do not love you, you know that can’t be true. For I would suffer great myself, just for to comfort you.
Dark House there is above me, Tho I’m compelled to leave; Oh don’t
look black upon me – ‘Tis not my will, believe, But Oh! If you don’t
love me, Will hardly bid ado, And my tears shall wet my face, As the
grass is wet with dew. Oh, your eyes, they are so tender, They say
what is in the heart. And I know that you will love, Though we’ll be
far apart. And when we will meet next, Dear, Oh greet me with a
smile, For that will lighten my poor heart, And save me many a sigh.
The time is long to wait, But it will pass away,
For happiness, I hope that we’ll be upon our Wedding day.
This is the last time Dear, for me here awhile.
Tomorrow, I’ll be on my way, to travel many a mile.
I could easy leave this place,
Without a sigh or tear,
If it hasn’t been for you
My Love, My Dove, My Dear.
My Dear Pretty Little Girl
With her head all over curls.
And her neck as pure as snow
Makes my heart feel all aglow.
Oh !! If I could call her mine,
How bright my blue eyes would shine.
And my heart as light as feathers
Sorrow would be my portion never..
So this is my calculation,
Get married is my inclination.
When you say this year, that will be just fine.
And Love shall never be dearest.
With you, I’ll share life’s joys and sorrow.
Thinking never of the morrow.
Relying on his endless grace.
Always seeking for his face.
Daniel J. Jones and Susanna Chenoweth were Married February 18, 1874
Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa
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