1880 History of Polk County

Biographies - Des Moines

B. H. Badger

BADGER, B. H. - This gentleman is the general agent of the Babcock and Chemical engine, and dealer in fire department supplies. He first saw the light in New York City September 17, 1840. He had a good education, and in 1853 was clerk in a banking house in Louisville, Kentucky. In '58 he returned to New York as book-keeper in a wholesale house. In '61. was among the first to enlist under the tree-months call for troops, and enters company 9, Thirteenth New York State militia. The regiment was disbanded at the end of the three months, but most of its members promptly re-enlisted, still retaining the name of the Thirteenth. Young Badger, enlisted in the same and was soon promoted, taking all the grades to second lieutenant. He resigned his commission in December, 1862. He then came to Chicago and was in the brokerage business until 1865, meeting, with heavy financial reverses. He then accepted a position in a grocery house, and afterward represented a clothing house of Rochester, New York. In 1876 he became general agent of the Babcock Extinguisher Company, since merged in the consolidated Fire Extinguisher Company, of Chicago, with headquarters at Des Moines. Miss Harriet M. Hutchinsop, a lady of rare personal attraction, became his wife December 14, 1863. Their family consists of Anna B., Grace H., John H., James M., and, Lucy W., having lost one infant daughter.

Source: "The History of Polk County, Iowa" published by the Union Historical Company, Birdsall, Williams & Co. 1880, pg. 767.

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