Mills County, Iowa

Civil War Burials in Mills County
Pensioners by Post Office

"List of Pensioners on the Roll"
January 1, 1883
As called for by Resolution of December 8, 1882, Vol. 3, 47th Congress,
2d Session Senate Executive Document 84, Part 5 United States Pension Bureau
Washington, D. C., 1883

Name of Pensioner
Post Office Address
Cause for which Pensioned
Monthly Rate
Date of Original Allowance
Adams, Charles F. Glenwood Chr. Synovitis L Knee $6.00
Adams, Margaret A. Glenwood Widow $8.00 Oct. 1868
Anthony, James Hillsdale wd. Of L thigh $4.00 Mar 1879
Ayers, Arnold S. Solomon inj to abdomen $8.00
Baird, Eliza Malvern Dependant Mother $8.00
Beavers, Samuel Malvern GSW of L thigh $4.00 Jan 1881
Bomar, Henry J. Glenwood Inj. To Abdomen $4.00 Sep 1881
Brown, Frank Pacific City dis. Of eyes $4.00 Feb 1880
Burke, Edward Pacific Junction GSW R lower jaw $6.00
Burks, Elhanan W. Emerson Dis. of eyes $4.00
Burr, Chapman Malvern loss of toe left, foot & inj to next toe $2.00
Buttle, John Malvern Inj to R arm $2.00 Mar 1880
Carr, Dominick Pacific Junction sh. Wd. Lower jaw, scurvy $4.00 Aug 1879
Cleaveland, Wm. H. Glenwood Wd. Upper third L thigh $4.00
Coppage, Alex W. Emerson Chr. Diarrhea $6.00 Nov 1881
Cox, John M Hastings GSW of R wrist $2.00 Mar 1878
Crawford, John Emerson wd left hand $10.00
Davis, Andrew J. Malvern GSW of R leg $4.00
Edie, Amelia Emerson dep. Mother $8.00 May 1878
Elrod, James M. Clark GSW of left thigh $4.00 Dec. 1881
Everett, Jeremiah J. Emerson Injury to back $2.00 Feb. 1881
French, Alfred D. Glenwood fract of left arm $8.00
Gaffeny, Barnabas Malvern inj. To spine $6.00
Green, Charles A Pacific Junction GSW of R thigh $2.00 Nov 1881
Harris, james Pacific Junction chronic diarrhea $6.00 Mar 1881
Hays, Bahmon L. Malvern dis. Of lungs $8.00 May 1880
Highland, Henry H. Silver City GSW of R shoulder $8.00
Hoag, Theodore G. Emerson wounded both thighs $12.00
Irby, Thomas K. Glenwood Dis. of eyes $4.00 Feb 1882
Jacquat, Jos Malvern Asthma $16.00 May 1878
Johnson, Louisa Malvern Widow $8.00 Feb 1867
Krahl, Mary Glenwood Widow $8.00 Apr. 1878
Lumm, Jesse A Henderson GSW of L side $4.00 Sep 1878
Malone, Thomas Silver City Wd. Of R hip $4.00
Martin, Martha Glenwood Widow $8.00 July 1868
McFall, Samuel S. Silver City GSW of L shoulder & lung $12.00
Miller, George Malvern GSW of L arm $4.00 Oct 1878
Newman, Isaiah E Glenwood GSW L Chest $4.00 Oct 1880
Nichols, Mary Glenwood Widow $8.00 July 1866
Ober, Aaron S. Glenwood GSW of left hand $4.00
Pierce, Damascus Hastings GSW of L thigh $2.00 Jan 1882
Pierson, Robert H Henderson GSW of R thigh $4.00
Pitzer, Emory W. Hillsdale dis. Of abd. Vis. & sore hands $4.00 Mar 1881
Priest, Granville Henderson sh. Wd. L shoulder $4.00 Sep 1882
Rawles, Phebe S. Malvern Widow $15.00 Dec 1873
Riddell, Samuel S. Strahan Partical deafness $2.00
Rudd, Jane A. Glenwood Dependant Mother $8.00 Apr. 1867
Salyards, David Glenwood loss of left eye & aff rt. Eye $6.00
Scott, James Glenwood GSW of left forearm $3.00
Sheldon, Benjamin O. Hastings Dis. of eyes $4.00
Stroud, Alex Hillsdale chronic diarrhea $4.00 Oct 1881
Stroud, Elvira P. Glenwood Widow $8.00 Dec 1869
Taylor, Eliza J. Emerson Widow $8.00 Nov 1867
Tryon, Jared L. Glenwood amp. Rt thigh $24.00
Tucker, Henry C. Glenwood fract of R shoulder $4.00
Wilkins, Mary J. Pacific Junction Widow $8.00 Apr 1880
Willet, Runion Glenwood Scurvy, resulting debility, anemina, neuralgia, dis. Of lungs & liver. $12.00 Apr 1882
Williams, Hamlin B. Glenwood hypertrophy of left ventricle of heart $18.00
Wing, Edwin A. Glenwood injury to abdomen $4.00 May 1882
Wing, James H. Malvern GSW of R thigh $8.50 Oct 1880
Zieger, Mary Glenwood Widow $8.00 May 1865

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