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Jackson County Resources


There are many many places you can look for genealogical information and people at every level willing to help you.


Jackson Co. Look-ups We have a list here of people who are willing to offer assistance.
Jackson Co. Message Boards Here are some tips and tricks for using the Queries, Obit, Bios and Docs message boards.
Jackson Co. Surname Registry A great way to connect with other researchers.

Courthouse Records

Jackson County Recorder's Office
201 W. Platte Street
Maquoketa, Iowa 52060
(563) 652-2504


Jackson County Clerk's Office
201 W. Platte Street
Maquoketa, Iowa 52060
(563) 652-4946


Marriage records start in 1848
Birth & Death records start in 1880
Probate administrations start in 1838

Certified copies are $15.00 (effective 1 January 2005), and only certified copies can be sent by mail.


When writing for a record, please state your relationship to the party named in your request, i.e., "I am seeking the death record of my great-great-grandfather".


All records are available from the Jackson County Recorder's office except the

Probate Administration records, which are available from the County Clerk's office.

Genealogy and
Historical Societies

Jackson County Genealogical Chapter
Dubuque County-Key City Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 13, Dubuque, IA 52004-0013

Jackson County Historical Society
Post Office Box 1245
Maquoketa, Iowa 52060
(563) 652-5020

Iowa Genealogical Society
6000 Douglas P.O. Box 7735
Des Moines, IA 50322-7735

Jackson County Libraries

106 N 3rd St, Bellevue, IA 52031
(563) 872-4991

512 Elk St., Sabula, IA 52070
(563) 687-2950

126 S Second St., Maquoketa, IA 52060
(563) 652-3874

1 W Gillet, Box 605, Preston, IA 52069
(563) 689-3581
Helpful Links More links that might be helpful in your research.