What's New at Howard County
546 obits submitted in 2016 |
5650 IGPP records posted in 2016 |
December 2016
Posted a Complete Record Set consisting of the transcribed Index of all the 566 Special Events (Deaths & Marriages) published in the
Cresco Twice a Week Plain Dealer during calendar year 1921.
Posted the Calvary-Elma
cemetery table. This Calvary-Elma Cemetery Table is a Complete Record Set of all of the Calvary-Elma cemetery
gravestones as of June 2016. This table contains links to 1083
Calvary-Elma cemetery IGPP records and 28 IAGenWeb Obituary Records.
November 2016
Posted a Complete Record Set consisting of the transcribed Index of all the 626 Special Events (Deaths & Marriages) published in the
Cresco Twice a Week Plain Dealer during calendar year 1920.
October 2016
Posted a Complete Record Set consisting of the transcribed Index of all the 618 Special Events (Deaths & Marriages) published in the
Cresco Twice a Week Plain Dealer during calendar year 1919.
Posted the Saratoga
cemetery table. This Saratoga Township Cemetery Table is a Complete Record Set of all of the Saratoga
Township cemetery
gravestones as of April 2016. This table contains links to 689 Saratoga Townshp cemetery IGPP records and 20 IAGenWeb Obituary Records.
These pages were prepared by Bruce Kuennen Thank you Bruce.
Posted the fourth and final portion of the the Howard County, Elma Library Year 2000 Obituary Collection. This
Incomplete Record Set consists of the Surnames starting with
R through Z 177 obits
The Elma Library Year 2000 Obituary Collection is now a
Complete Record Set consisting of all the obits collected by the Elma Library from the 4 local papers available in Elma, Iowa.
This Complete Record Set consists of the
646 year 2000 obits in Elma Public
Library Collection.
Added 45 Obituaries to the Howard County Alphabetical Obituaries index.
September 2016
Posted a third portion of the the Howard County, Elma Library Year 2000 Obituary Collection. This
Incomplete Record Set consists of the Surnames starting with
L through Q 154 obits
Updated the Howard County
Index . This
is a Complete Record Set consisting of all of the Howard County Surnames that existed in the IGPP database on September 22, 2016.
Updated the Howard County Obituaries index to include 268 new obits submitted since February.
This Complete Record Set is an index of all the 3275 obits on the Howard County Obituary Board as of September 3, 2016.
August 2016
Posted the Howard
cemetery table. This Cemetery Table is a Complete Record Set of all of the Howard
gravestones as of April 2016. This table contains links to 991 Howard
Cemetery IGPP records and 29 IAGenWeb obituary Records.
Started posting the Howard County, Elma Library Year 2000 Obituary Collection. These two
Incomplete Record sets consist of the Surnames starting with
A through F 167 obits and G through K 148 obits
Added 46 Obituaries to the Howard County Recent Obituaries index.
June 2016
Posted an Incomplete Record Set of 90 transcribed articles documenting
some the births, marriages and deaths that were published in the
Twice-A-Week Iowa Plain Dealer during
1896 along with links to the IAGenWeb board postings of the transcribed newspaper articles.
Added 46 Obituaries to the Howard County Recent Obituaries index.
May 2016
Added 42 Obituaries to the Howard County Recent Obituaries index.
March 2016
Posted the Chester Hill
cemetery table. This Cemetery Table is a Complete Record set of all of the Chester Hill cemetery
gravestones as of August 2015. This table contains links to 767 Chester Hill cemetery IGPP records, 689 Find-A-Grave records and 28 IAGenWeb obituary Records.
Added a IGPP Howard County surname index. This a complete record set of all of the Surnames that existed in the IGPP database on March 28, 2016.
Added a Obituary Howard County surname index. This a complete record set of the 4400 Surnames that existed in the Howard county Obituary Board on March 2, 2016.
Added 44 Obituaries to the Howard County Recent Obituaries index.
February 2016
Updated the Howard County Obituary Index to include 425 new obits submitted since March 6, 2015.
Posted a Complete Record set consisting of the complete Index of Individuals of the
Chester Hill cemetery.
January 2016
Posted the Pleasant Hill
cemetery table. This Cemetery Table is a Complete Record Set of all of the Pleasant Hill cemetery
gravestones as of August 2015. This table contains links to 2133 Pleasant Hill cemetery IGPP records, 2011 Find-A-Grave records and 55 IAGenWeb obituary Records.